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Mother's Heart

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Jacqueline’s Junque


Peering through the nursery glass,
Her eyes full of concern;
She was yet so young herself,
With still so much to learn.

She tapped upon the window,
Oh so certain that he knew;
And whispered, "I'm your Mommy,
I'll be taking care of you."

Gazing at the fragile infant
The glass keeping them apart;
The pounding deep within her chest,
The sound of a Mother's heart.

On that day she made a promise,
That she'd always be right there;
For he would never be alone,
With her around to care.

And when they came to place him
Within her loving arms;
She vowed forever to protect
This innocent one from harm.

The beating in her chest increased,
So hard it almost hurt;
Wonder & amazement made her feel
As if her heart would burst.

The years passed all too quickly,
Now she reaches out her hand;
To touch the strength of the child,
Who has grown into a man.

While keeping all her promises,
To stay right by his side;
Her reward now so apparent,
She overflows with pride.

Only now could she take her rest,
Leaving him in the hands of another;
With tears he listens mournfully to
The last beats from...
The Heart of Mother.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/beherewithyou.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "I'll Be Here With You"
By Nancy Lamott

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