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Rich Heart

Jacqueline’s Junque


I have the richest heart,
for it is overflowing in
friendships that are priceless,
time that is invaluable,
the great wealth of health,
and the treasure that is love.
There lies a large nest egg,
of beautiful memories
created from the joys of my life.
I dip into it from time to time,
to ease life's sorrows.

Surrounding my rich heart,
are the sweetest rememberances
that raise me up with their worth,
and keep me there with wonder.
It contains a secret supply of hopes
to help me plan my tomorrows.
For whenever I invest in my dreams
it is impossible for me
to ever overpay.

The chambers of my rich heart
are stuffed with human kindness
and overflowing optimism,
for I have discovered
there is nothing more precious
in this world.
My smiles are given freely,
and are returned to me a hundred fold.

Some people gather riches
they can grasp within their hands.
Maybe they don't realize
they slip away like sand.
As for me...
I have all I could want
tucked away for safe keeping
within my rich heart.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/levelplain_1_.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Level Plain"
by Joannie Madden

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