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Soldier's Heart

Jacqueline’s Junque


They told me you would leave a boy
And come back to me a man;
I admit that at the time, Son
I couldn't really understand.
That first trip home from boot camp,
Imagine my surprise;
I passed you in the airport,
Someone I didn't recognize.

Your jaw was set quite certain,
With excitement in your eyes;
Your chest puffed out so boldly,
Obviously full of pride.
A wave of strong emotion,
Ran through me to the core;
As arms of steel encircled me,
To lift me off the floor.

"You're home at last," I whispered,
With a sigh of deep relief;
Though you would soon be gone again,
Our time was all too brief.
But in the days that followed,
I saw new depth to you;
A passion for defending,
The old red, white and blue.

A commitment to your country,
Respect for your command;
Your deep belief in honor,
Forged with love for our great land.
Yes, you'll always be my son, but now
Our nation shares a part;
For buried deep within your chest,
Now beats a soldier's heart.

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