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Caption Contest

Yep a new part of Supreme Striker thought up by my very good friend Stacey Now I bet your all wondering what in the hell is this all about. Well I'll tell you. Each month I will put up a new Michael Owen picture and all I want you to do is email me what you think the people in the picture are saying. The funnier the better. Then I will post all the entrants on the page and I will pick a winner and that winner will get a banner made by me!

Here is this months picture for the caption contest:

Just so you know the people in the picture are Michael Owen(left), Jamie Carragher(middle) and Jamie Redknapp(right)

To take part just email me and tell me what you think they are saying. Email me here. Below are some of the entrants:

Michael Owen: *thinking* Ha, blue was soooo last season. everyone knows orange is the way to go.

*Michael Owen and Jamie Redknapp share a laugh at the expense of Jamie Carragher. Little does he know Redknapp just wiped a booger on his back*

Past Caption Contests