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Since: October, 20th 2002
Host: Rosaleen
Layout: Rosaleen

Nothing spectacular today. Just updating to say I have another Fan Sign !! WAHOOOO! Thank you very much to Ash You can see it at the top of the Fan Signs page. Also I have 3 new Affiliates.
Posted by on 4th May 2003.

I'm just writing to say congratulations to Michael and his girlfiend Louise after their baby daughter was born last night. She is name Gemma Rose Owen! ROSE!!!! WOOOT!!! awww I'm so happy for them and also happy about the fact that she has ROSE in her name lol even though my name is Rosaleen lol its close enough for me!
Posted by on 26th April 2003.

I have finally updated after all this time. But quite frankly I don't see the point since NO-ONE ever visits it but anyway here goes. I updated the Match Reports page and also I added 2 new scanned pictures.
Posted by on 26th April 2003.

Yet another update wow I'm on a roll here! It was an idea by Stacey and I have decided to use it and that is a Caption Contest, To find out more about that then visit the Caption Contest page to your left! Also I have my first Affiliate. I have added a page where I will put the match reports from each Liverpool FC game, from now on. Thank you!
Posted by on 8th March 2003.

Well I'm back again, and well what can I say oh yeah how about I have my SECOND fan sign WOOOOOOT!!! Go me! lol sorry just a liiiiiittle excited there anyways go check it out! <--- Over there. It was made by one of my best online mates Stacey Well if anyone else has the urge to make me one then feel free to lol anywayz gotta go bye xxx
Posted by on 7th March 2003.

Hi its me again, WOW I hve updated twice in a week that is AMAZING! Well it aint really that much of an update really just to show off my new and first EVER fan sign for Supreme Striker!!! How cool is that I have my first fan sign WOOOOOO! Go me!! Thanx sooooooo much to Ash for making it for me you RULE!!! lol Anywayz if anybody else wants to make me one then go ahead lol you can send it to me here To view it well its simple really you see that link called Fan Signs <<<<<---- Over there? Well just click that!!
Posted by on 4th March 2003.

Yet again I've not updated for aaaaaaages but hey what a day to update eh? I mean those of you who actually like/watch football you will know that Liverpool took part in a very important game against their biggest rivals Manchester United(SCUM!) Anyway this match just so happened to be for the Worthington Cup and yes you guessed it Liverpool WON!!! They wiped the floor with them and it must have felt good after Liverpool were beaten home by Manchester United in December. The scorers where the lovely and talented Steven Gerrard and of course the one, the only MICHAEL OWEN!!! So many congratulations to the wonderful club that is Liverpool FC! I've added a whole page dedicated to this joyous occasion, but sadly I could only get my hands on 4 pictures of it :( if anybody finds anymore be sure to contact me here Thank You and Goodnight! :D
Posted by on 2nd March 2003.

Howdy folks Finally after long last I have decided to work on my wonderful site lol! I would have finished it sooner but well you know with school and all I really didn't have the time but finally its nearly done YAY! Anywayz if you have any suggestions then please feel free to right them on the tag-baord or even on the message board that I have provided! I decide also that I would make this brand spanking new layout as well and I LOVE it sooooo much! I must say a big thanx to Ash for the GREAT background she made for my banner above I love ya girl!
Thank You Come Again!
Posted by on 20th January 2003.

Welcome to Supreme Striker! This is a site completely dedicated to the one, the only Michael Owen. In my view the best striker in the world! So look around and enjoy the view! :]
Posted by on 20th October 2002.