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A good friend has said once,
twice, a dozen times to us all...
I am Light... I am Loved.... I am of God..... I am strong......
Bubbles we love you. I ask that you all read the following.
It was written from my heart.

A time for love..

Embrace in the arms of friends.
Remembrance of special times.
Words , spoken , so gently.
Hearts so blantently cast aside. Oh why?
Memories arising.
Tears begin to stream.
An Emptiness feeling.
Alone again it seems. Oh why?
A friends sensitive hand..
Tends to my tears.
Begins to mend my fears.
Alone. Not really Alone.
There is always a friend close by.
A new friend to meet today.
Hearts just grow bigger.
Never losing the love from before.
Just gaining..
A time for love..
We all unite.
Its just a new memory..
A time for love tonight.


All content © 1991 - 2003 by Teazzze aka Jai.
All right reserved.
All other copyrights belong to their respective holders.

Teazzze aka Jai
All right reserved.
All other copyrights belong to their respective holders.
This background set was made and copyrighted by Lady Care.
Picture is from Jonathon Earl Bowser
Thank you for respecting the copyright laws.