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Finaly Happy

I woke up this morning and I rolled to my side
I looked out window to the early morning sky..
The sun was shining The birds where singing..
But my heart..
Still torn..
My heart..
still yearnss for you touch..
I crawl out of bed..
Slip on my shirt..
I go to the mirror and begin to comb my hair..
And then I remember
how you would stand behind me and hold me..
how i would feel soooo loved.
My afternoon seemed to go so slow..
I walked down to the cofee shop where I saw
you holding hands..
My heart begain to ache..
My knee's became so week.
I looked the other way Just as you turned.
My night, so lonely.
The clock upon my wall was stopped.
I begain to lay down upon my bed.
The thoughts rushed in again.
I close my eyes and the dreams almost real
make me feel. Like im in your arms again.
My heart still torn..
my heart still yearnss for you touch..
I woke up this morning and I rolled to my side..
I looked out the window to the early morning sky
The sun was shining The birds were singing
And my heart was strong today....
My mind was free and my soul at ease...
and for once I could finally say...
I am Happy..