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My Soul is Lost

My Soul is Lost
empty streets, moonlite walks
thinking about our talks.
empty house, sacred thoughts
thinking about our talks.
empty bed, tired head,wide awake
thinking about our talks.
What may be. What may come.
wondering what lies in the future
thinking about our talks.
I hold out my hand and hope you will find your way to me.
I hold out my heart and hope you will open your heart to mine.
I hold out my love, honestly and completly, for you to find time.
Find time to understand what lies between us.
So that we may move on.
Voices drive deep into my battered soul.
tapered and tattered my aura dwells.
Patiently awaiting a drop of true love.
A drop that should water my life and embrace my soul.
So far..
My roots are dry and my soul is lost.
Scared and alone.