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Soon the light will shine

Listen to the prayer of the child down the hall.
She prayes to God for the world to become as one.
Down upon her knee’s Her hands grasped tight.
She gently calls apon her name. Begging her to make everything okay.

Little girl, dont you worry.
Things will be alright.
Close your eyes and dream away.
Soon the light will shine.

A little boy falls and scrapes is knee.
He looks upon the sky.
And asks God. Why oh why..
He doesnt understand.
And then begins to cry..

Little boy, dont you worry.
Things will be alright...
Close eyes and dream away.
Soon the light will shine.

Mommy please help..
Can tie my shoe.
I need your help the nots’ to tight.
Mommey can you help.

Darlyn dont you worry
Things will be alright
Close your eyes and day dream
soon the light will shine.

Son can you help..
I need to move.
My hipes seem to be locked.
And I can turn to my side.
I need your help, My son.

Momma dont you worry.
Things will be alright..
Close your eyes and dream away
soon the light will shine.

Momma’s in the bottle.
God help her tonight.
Let her see we need her.
Love just doesnt seem..
to be enough.

Child dont you worry. things will be alright.
Close your eyes and dream away.
Soon the light will shine.