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Popular arguments
But the Jews are trying to...
What evidence do you have?
But these graphs clearly show that...
I could make a buch of fancy graphs and claim that they prove all kinds of things.
You can't stop us! We get 15-20% of the vote in France.
So that's where all that biased evidence is coming from.

Hall of shame, the stupidest arguments ever.
More white man info! These are super accurate drawings I found of the brain of the great mathematician K.F. Gauss, in comparision to the brain of an African bushwoman.
No, that's not a typo. They think a drawing is hard evidence.

While I realize that it's somewhat unfair to compare the brain of a genius to the brain of a native, I do also think it's safe to say that the brains of Whites more closely resemble the brain of Gauss than the brains of the bushmen, don't you agree?
No. You have no evidence that they do. An above average brain compared to an average brain is a terrible argument in this situation.

Although the brains of gauss and the brain of the bushwoman were roughly the same measured size, the brain of Guass was far, far more convoluted, meaning he had more brain in the same amount of space.
He's a brilliant mathimatian. He's not a typical white person.

If you can show me a black man [pure black, not half or quarter white] having a brain like that, I would offer an apology, but, I know that you can't."-Tidal Tempest, NationStates Forum-General ALL ARYAN NATIONS I HAVE GREAT NEWS, Fri, May 23, 2003 6:30 p.m.(a debate between the racists and the non-raists)
Why bother. You're so biassed, it would do any good.