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While it isn't right to make fun of people, there is nothing wrong with laughing at absurd claims.
"More white man info! These are super accurate drawings I found of the brain of the great mathematician K.F. Gauss, in comparision to the brain of an African bushwoman.

While I realize that it's somewhat unfair to compare the brain of a genius to the brain of a native, I do also think it's safe to say that the brains of Whites more closely resemble the brain of Gauss than the brains of the bushmen, don't you agree?

Although the brains of gauss and the brain of the bushwoman were roughly the same measured size, the brain of Guass was far, far more convoluted, meaning he had more brain in the same amount of space.

If you can show me a black man [pure black, not half or quarter white] having a brain like that, I would offer an apology, but, I know that you can't."-Tidal Tempest, NationStates Forum-General: ALL ARYAN NATIONS I HAVE GREAT NEWS, Fri, May 23, 2003 6:30 p.m.(a debate between the racists and the non-raists)

"The black man is not capable of creating civilization, or maintaining it once the way has been paved."-Blaises Personal Pets, NationStates Forum-General: racism, Sun Jun 01, 2003 8:12 pm

"The white race simply does not have the extreme impulsive nature of the black."-Blaises Personal Pets, NationStates Forum-United Nations: Support "End Racial Injustice", Mon Jun 16, 2003 4:27 pm
"Homos cannot know love, as it is the desire to reproduce"-The Inquisitors, NationStates Forum-General: Is homosexuality wrong?, Tue Jul 01, 2003 3:54 am
"Slavery is moral."-Mauni, NationStates Forum-NationStates: The Slaver War is beginning, Fri Jul 25, 2003 7:44 pm
"Anthroplogy isn't a science."-Aryan Tribes, NationStates Forum-General: Is there something evil about the 14 words?, Sat Jul 26, 2003 7:39 am
"Slavery in and of itself is not evil."-New Whittier, NationStates Forum-General: New Topic for debate, Wed Oct 01, 2003 4:01 pm