
Painting Utility-FREE -A simple paint program with a cool feature that creates a zebra-like pattern.
Paint 2-FREE -The new update for Painting Utility.
Rainbow Paint-FREE-Paint cool designs!

Light security

The safe error program -$5.00 -When run, this program displays a screen that will scare most users away, and if it doesn't, they'll have to type in the password set by you to close it! If they enter an incorrect password, the program will print a message to the printer, letting you know! A 'must have' for preventing people from 'stealing' your computer in a computer lab. [Too many features to list. Please e-mail us for more info


Error message generator.-FREE- This program allows the user to design and create a FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE error message that will loop 70 times before ending. Custom features include: title, body, & icon selection.
Calculator-Restriced License-A program made custom for a science teacher who was willing to allow the file to be posted. A calculator that can calculate speed, acceleration, and force.
CD ROM status-FREE- A VERY SIMPLE program that will open and/or close the CD door.
Shut Down Status-FREE- A program that can enable/disable shut down on any computer without security. -Can be tweaked to work on computers with security.
Facial Recognition-FREE-A joke program that makes your victim think they have a camera in their monitor.
Flasher-FREE-A fun program that takes control of the screen and flashes what you tell it to.
PokeMan-FREE-Displays a very annoying picture on the screen that will always remain on top. The window can ONLY be closed by CTRL-ALT-DEL or the built in ALT-A exit command. When the cursor goes over the picture, it is sent to a random location on the screen, making it un-clickable.
PokeMan II-FREE-Same as PokeMan, but instead of making it impossible to put the cursor ON the image, it is impossible to get it off. ALT-A: Close. ALT-S: Toggle mouse trap.
System Time-FREE-Tells you how long a computer has been on and what time it is. Simple but still interesting.
FILE07-FREE-This one you don't download. It it a funny little prank you can play on a friend or enemy by simply sending the to this site. I don't advise you go there unless you like being annoyed. Send them to this address:
Center Mouse-FREE-Press ALT-S to start the trap, ALT-D to cancel, and ALT-A to close. When activated, the mouse gets stuck to the center of the screen until the program is deactivated!


Flash floating movie tutorial-Ever wanted to know how to make a Flash movie float around on the screen? You can learn how to do that with this self extracting file.

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