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Potosi Missouri Trojan Bands

Les Miserables 2005

Welcome to the site of Champions!

Director: Mr. Singer, Assistant Director: Mr. Martin

Welcome to the new home of the Potosi Missouri Trojan Bands website. This site is currently under constuction and should be completed at the end of September. Thank-You and God Bless.

First Football Game!

The Potosi Trojan Marching Band did quite well for the first football game at half-time. They performed the first 3 songs of Les Miserables,Work Song/At the End of the Day, I Dreamed a Dream, and Attack on Rue Plumet. Video of the performance should be showing in the band room soon. Congradulations to our new marchers and old.

Football Game Schedule!

September 9, September 30, October 7, and October 21. On September 9th, this Friday, all Potosi Trojan Marching Band Members are to be at the bandroom at 5:00 P.M. Lets have a good performace on Friday.

Visit the Old Website