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Update to Sara's Story

On August , 2001, in the Pulaski County Courthouse, Tommi Lorraine Tibbets entered into a plea agreement in which she plead guilty to the charge of 2nd degree murder, and felony child endangerment in the beating death of her 3 year old daughter, Sara LeeAnn Tibbetts. In this plea agreement, she received 30 yrs on the 2nd degree murder charge, and agreed to testify against Daniel Collis. She stated that she was guilty as she failed to protect Sara from Daniel Collis, and that this resulted in the murder of Sara. She later violated the plea agreement by refusing to testify against Danile Collis. Tommi Tibbetts has since obtained another attorney and is attempting to have her guilty plea thrown out, claiming she had inadequate counsel during her court proceedings. UPDATE: Tommi Tibbets has filed an appeal to overturn her guilty plea, but there has not been a decision made by the court at this time.

Her co-defendant, Daniel Collis, is still awaitng trial, which begins on March 25, 2002. He is also charged with 2nd Degree Murder, and felony child endangerment. UPDATE: Prosecutors were forced to dismiss the charges against Daniel Collis due to the refusal by the judge trying the case to allow vital evidence to be admitted at the trial. Prosecutors have now refiled the 2nd Degree Murder charges against Daniel Collis. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for June 24, 2002, at 1:00 p.m., in Vienna, MO. UPDATE: Daniel Collis's trial has now been scheduled to start March 17th, 2003. I believe it is to be held in Waynesville, MO.

On March 16, 2003, it will be the three year anniversary of little Sara LeeAnn Tibbett's brutal and horrifying murder. It marks the day that our precious baby girl became "just another child that fell through the cracks".

To the various state agencies that were involved, directly and indirectly, in this tragedy, I'm sure this tragic event has long ago been delegated to the status of another "child abuse fatality statistic".

But to my heartbroken family, it marks the day that a precious child was brutally torn from our midst. It marks the beginning of a long, painful, and disillusioning search for answers, and for justice. Now, after two years of desperate searching, we still have found neither.

Despite countless letters sent to our state representatives, governors, and congressmen, our quest for justice and answers as to how this could POSSIBLY have been allowed to happen has been futile. Our letters for the most part went unanswered, ignored by the people elected to represent us.

I have contacted hundreds of attorneys, from Missouri and several other states, in an attempt to find JUST ONE PERSON willing to help me make little Sara's voice be heard. I felt then and STILL feel that it is a parody of justice that her cries are to go unheard, her pleas for justice forever silenced by the "veil of immunity" that cloaks our state agencies, the very agencies that were supposed to protect her.

Over the past three years I have spent countless hours researching cases similar to Sara's, seeking ways to at least make the public aware of the horrible fate that so many of our nations children have needlessly suffered. It was through this research that I became aware of the sickening fact that Sara's is not an isolated case. Hundred's of our nation's most precious resource, our children, have fallen victim to the same tragic end that little Sara suffered. The following website: is one I found on my searches. I found statistics and documented cases there that viciously opened my eyes to the knowledge that this type of tragedy occurs over and over again, and is for the most part, ignored, or classified as "tragic, but unavoidable". I, also, was guilty of being "blissfully ignorant" of the plight of so many helpless, innocent children. At this website: I read the following quote, which struck me as a chilling wake up call: "I wondered why somebody didn't DO something. Then I realized...I AM somebody." written by: "Anonymous" Please, join me in the attempt to make this type of tragedy a thing of the past. We, as a people, should find the loss of even ONE child due to ANYONE'S failure to act legally and morally unacceptable. It should shake us to our very core.

Even though my quest for justice, and for someone to help me prevent the truth about the circumstances surrounding Sara's death from being forever hidden, has proven futile, I will continue to seek ways to bring about change. If our family could save the life of even one innocent child through our efforts to bring the story of our Sara's horrible, unneccesary death to the light of day, then we could at least have the comfort of knowing that Sara's death was not completely in vain. I am sure that Sara is watching us from heaven, and the knowledge that she helped save an innocent child's life would bring her beautiful smile back to shine on us all from the stars above. In closing, I would like to invite you to please sign my guestbook, which can be found on the Home page. I would appreciate your thoughts on how we might work together to prevent this kind of tragedy from occurring to another innocent child. Thank you for your time.


On March 17th, 2003, exactly 3 years and one day from the day Sara was brutally murdered, the trial charging Daniel Collis with felony child abuse and 2nd degree Murder of 3 year old Sara L. Tibbeetts commenced. On March 19th, 2003, closing arguments were given by both defense and prosecution. The jury deliberated approximately two hours, and returned with a verdict of GUILTY on both counts. Daniel Collis remains in jail awaiting his sentencing, which will be held May 19th, 2003, at the Pulaski County Courthouse.

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