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Part 8

“I think we should shower, luv. We’re gonna stick together,” Spike murmured against Xander’s lips.

“What’s wrong with that?” Xander asked, snuggling tighter into his vampire’s embrace.

“It’ll hurt like hell when we try to get unstuck later. And I’d like to wash your back,” Spike told him, kissing the tip of his nose.

“You want to wash my back?” Xander asked, raising an eyebrow?

“I like your back,” Spike admitted, running his hands down Xander’s spine for good measure. Xander shivered.

“Okay,” Xander agreed, smiling at the other man. Xander slowly stood up, keeping his fingers laced with Spike’s, and the two slowly made their way to the bathroom, sharing leisurely kisses along the way. Xander reached into the shower stall and made sure the temperature was comfortable for him, and stepped under the spray. Then he turned and looked expectantly at Spike.

Spike stepped into the stall and closed the curtain, kissing Xander again before turning him to face the wall. Then he picked up the bar of soap and began to liberally massage Xander’s back, his hands roaming all over the tan expanse. Xander sank into the touch, loving the firm gentleness of Spike’s hands.

“That is amazing,” Xander said, feeling tension he hadn’t even known existed slip from his muscles.

“I try,” replied Spike, and Xander could HEAR the smirk behind the words. He grinned, and was about to make a sarcastic comment, but suddenly Spike’s soapy hand slipped between the cheeks of his ass. Xander bucked back into the touch, a cry of shock and exploding arousal sliding from his mouth.

“Christ, Spike,” he said, as Spike began to knead his buttocks. “I thought you said you liked my back,” Xander muttered through clenched teeth.

“Didn’t say I didn’t also like your ass, Xan,” Spike said, not pausing for a moment. Finally, Xander whirled around and trapped Spike’s mouth in a searing kiss.

“Are we clean yet?” he said, looking into Spike’s eyes.

“Probably, pet. Why?”

“Cuz I think it’s time to get dirty again.”

“You think so, do you?” Spike said, smiling.

“Know what else I think, Spike?” Xander said, pressing his hard member against Spike’s.

“What’s that, luv?” Spike said on a groan.

“I want you to fuck me.” And in the instant those words left Xander’s mouth, everything stopped. Neither man noticed the shower spray. They stared into each other’s eyes for long moments, neither moving, neither breathing. Finally, Spike gave his head a small shake, returning to reality.

“Right, then. Let’s go,” he said quickly, turning off the shower and dragging Xander into the bedroom as quickly as possible. Xander chuckled at the vampire’s enthusiasm, but was cut off when Spike’s lusty mouth accosted his. They fell onto the bed, a tangle of groping limbs and heaving bodies.

“Got lube?” Spike asked as Xander’s mouth moved down his chest, doing unspeakably lovely things to his nipples.

“Drawer,” Xander said, the sound muffled by one of Spike’s dusky nipples. Spike held Xander to his chest with one hand, and reached over into the drawer with the other, fumbling until he came up with a small, unopened tube of strawberry lube. He tore the cap off with his teeth, then set it on the pillow for later. Xander moved his way farther down Spike’s body until he was lapping suggestively at his navel. Spike wriggled and moaned, actually whimpering when Xander’s mouth moved even lower. Xander wrapped one hot hand around the base of Spike’s cock, then tentatively leaned forward and licked at the dripping slit. Spike’s hips shot off the bed in ecstasy, a strangled moan bursting from his mouth.

“God, yes, Xan,” he moaned as Xander slowly engulfed the head of his pulsing member, intrigued at the taste. Xander’s mouth moved lower, taking in as much of the impressive length as he could. Spike’s head thrashed against the headboard as he tried to muster some control. “Pet, you’re so good, so hot. You have to stop, God, I’m gonna come right now if you don’t stop,” he panted, and Xander lifted his head, licking Spike’s penis once more before moving back up his body. He kissed Spike’s breathless mouth, then leaned back on his heels, smiling down at Spike’s debauched face.

“God,” Spike moaned. “What, do you practice that?” he asked Xadner, moving to sit up and capture Xander’s lips again.

Xander laughed. “So, Bleachboy…you gonna fuck me, or what?” Spike used his vampiric speed to flip them over so that he was laying on top of Xander.

“Hell, yeah,” he leered, kissing Xander again.

“Okay. How do you want me?” Xander asked, a cocky grin on his face. Spike smiled gently, nibbling Xander’s lips.

“Well, luv, as much as I’d like to have you facing me, I think we’d better skip the acrobatics this time. I think you’ll be more comfortable on your hands and knees.”

Xander kissed Spike once more, slipping his tongue briefly into that cool mouth before obediently rolling over and positioning himself on all fours. Spike stared at Xander, open and ready for him, and grinned. He reverently kissed both of Xander’s buttocks, causing the mortal to shiver. Then Spike reached over and picked up the lube.

Spike squeezed some onto his hand and stroked his cock, coating it liberally. Then he took one slick finger and began to press at the tiny rosebud of puckered flesh. Xander felt the contact and his heart started to pound. He really wanted this, but at the same time, he knew it was going to hurt. He forced himself to relax, and Spike’s finger slid in almost effortlessly. Both men groaned at the sensation. Then Spike’s finger pushed further in, and he stroked Xander’s prostate expertly. Xander gasped and pushed back, wanting more of the contact. Spike chuckled and added a second finger, thrusting them in and out of Xander’s tight hole.

“Please, Spike,” Xander finally cried, his cock aching. Spike removed his fingers and pressed forward.

“Relax,” Spike purred, as the head of his arousal pressed against Xander’s slick opening. He gently pushed forward, and Xander gasped at the welcome invasion. Spike pressed forward some more, slowly and gently, thrusting a few times until he was completely encased within Xander’s heat. Xander moaned, and Spike stopped, breathing heavily.

“You feel so good, pet,” he murmured, slowly starting to thrust in and out. He angled his thrusts carefully, making sure that each stroke slid into the human’s prostate. Xander moaned incomprehensibly about Spike and God and heaven, and Spike began to thrust in earnest.

Spike wasn’t sure when it happened, but as he was thrusting, he realized something. He was in love with this man. Xander’s sense of humor, his shyness, his wantonness, his beauty. He had been having fun with him, had been talking to him, through the last week, and as he was thrusting into his perfect body, he realized that his heart had been stolen. And it wasn’t the same as it had been with Dru, or Angelus, or Buffy. This was something completely different, something entirely new and all-consuming.

Spike started to thrust harder, deeper, reaching one hand around to pump Xander’s erection. He grunted with each thrust, loving the way the human thrust back at him with equal force, crying out his need, his pleasure. Spike pressed his face against Xander’s shoulder, his face morphing into his vampire visage in the heat of his passion. Xander cried out a final time before exploding, spilling his seed across his belly, the sheets, and Spike’s hand. As he came, the tight ring of muscle that Spike was pushing into contracted, and Spike roared, leaned forward, and sunk his fangs into Xander’s throbbing neck, his climax ripping through his entire body.

Xander went still, then pushed back as hard as he could, flinging the vampire off of him. Spike was torn out of Xander, his fangs and cock both, and flew off the bed, landing in a heap.

“What the hell?” he cried angrily, as Xander whirled around, grabbing at the wound in his neck.

“You bit me! You fucking asshole, you goddamned prick, you BIT me!!” he cried, eyes flaring. He threw a pillow hard at Spike, who looked shocked.

“I…” he started. Xander didn’t let him finish.

“You fucking liar! Your chip doesn’t work anymore! You came here to fucking KILL me!” Xander yelled, his face red with rage. His mind was racing. Spike had bitten him. Tried to drain his blood.

“I’m sorry, Xan, I…”

“Get the fuck out!” Xander yelled, applying pressure to the open wound in his neck.

“Xan,” Spike tried again.

“I said GET THE FUCK OUT!” Xander screamed. “Don’t come back! You asshole!” Xander whirled around and jumped off the bed, grabbing a cross from one of the drawers in the nightstand. “I’ll kill you if you EVER come back here, do you hear me, you stupid fucking VAMPIRE?!” he yelled. Spike stared dumbly for a moment, then decided it was hopeless. He stood up and left the room, dressed quickly, and left the house, slamming the door behind him.

Xander sunk to the floor, broken sobs heaving his chest. “He bit me,” he whispered weakly, hugging his knees.
