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Author: Robin the Crossover Junkie
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these things, sadly. I don’t own the people or the situations, only the words. Go me.
Summary: Challenge-in-a-Can. It’s this neat little site, where you can get three words, and you make a little story. Like so:

Challenge: Dawn – Angry – Gun
Title: In The Back

Spoilers for “Seeing Red”

Older people who think they know everything tell me that everything happens for a reason. I want to know now, what’s the reason for this? What did she ever do to deserve this?

A gun went off, missed its target, and shot her in the back. One of the few things in my life that I could cling to…shot in the back. She didn’t even know what hit her. One minute she was happy, and the next, she was gone. I hate myself, but I’m angry at her. If she’d been standing a foot to the left….she’d be here.

Challenge: Gunn – Somber – Dirt
Title: Dirt

Spoilers for “The Price”

His mouth tasted like dirt. He’d rushed there, and somehow some wind had picked up and blown dirt in his eyes, in his face, and now it was gritty on his teeth.

She was dying, and that was all he could think. That he had to do something to save her, to make her okay, and he didn’t know what was best. He raised a hand and knocked on the door loudly. It swung open. A somber, cool face appeared. “Need your help.”

His mouth tasted like dirt.

Challenge: Riley – Bitter – Can of soda
Title: Deep

Spoilers for “As You Were”

He’d left her, made a life with someone he loved, and returned to find her in the deepest hole he could ever have imagined. She’d dug it herself. He watched his wife drink from her can of soda, and wondered what life would have been like if he hadn’t left Buffy. Would she be happy right now? Sam could have gotten along without him, he knew. But Buffy, apparently, couldn’t. If he went back… He stopped the thought bitterly. He couldn’t touch her now. She was too deep in that hole, and he couldn’t reach far enough to pull her out.

Challenge: Lindsey – Bitter – Boots
Title: Stranded On The Side of The Road Like A Bad Country Song

Spoilers for “Dead End”

I walk along the road, my boots scuffling the asphalt as I think of different painful ways to kill a vampire. Sunlight, holy water, stakes, beheading… or maybe I should just beat the bastard to death with that goddamned “Cops Suck” sign. Maybe I’ll just get him with that sledgehammer again. I liked hitting him with my truck. Hell, I’d be satisfied to rip him apart with my bare hands. That stupid sign…I’d still have my driver’s license, and my truck would still be running, if it weren’t for that damned sign. Bastard.

Challenge: Xander – Serious – Shirt
Title: Change

Spoilers for “Grave”

One button after another. From the top down. I’ll always do up my shirt the same way. I don’t think anyone else does it differently. Some things are always the same. I’m never serious. Willow’s my best friend. Buffy’s always the Slayer. It’s always the same. But some things do change. Like Tara dying. And Giles leaving. And Anya becoming human, then a demon again. And Willow. She changed. She doesn’t talk much anymore. Just sits and stares, and cries. She cries a lot. But so do I, when she’s not there. Because she’s never, ever really there.