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Site Recs

A great site if you're looking for Buffy/Angel fanfiction or general fiction, Buffychick's site, Still My Girl is a great place to look! She's an awesome writer, and her stuff is top notch!

For awesome graphics, general and slash fanfiction, you can't lose with the Mad Poetess' site, Pointy Stakes. She's the one that corrupted me into the slash scene in the first place, and there's a reason.

A great image site, this is one of the places I get most of my pictures from. Try And You Thought You Were Obsessed for all your image needs.

Don't like waiting for Buffy episodes? Try the wildfeed! At Leoff Online you'll find a complete summary of the latest Buffy episode before it airs in the U.S., and other neat things.

Wanna see some freaks make fun of some bad slash fiction? It happens at Cannon Fodder. Go there and prepare to laugh your ass off.

Here's a great comic. I find it funny and cute, and it's just really wonderful. For a daily giggle, check out Boy Meets Boy.

Links. Tons and tons of BtVS links. You can find just about anything Buffy-related at Sonja Marie's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Links

For poetry and some Buffy/Xander fanfiction, this is the place to go. Jeff is an awesome poet, and a great writer, and one day he's going to be a famous author and I'm going to go work for him. Check out The Mindworks of Jeffrey Patrick because I said so!

Looking for some beautiful wallpapers and multimedia videos? Check out Anya's Necklace. It's great stuff!

Fiction and awards and cool stuff, oh my! Go see Shadows and Dust now!

Look at all the lovely pictures! Another GREAT image site. What I don't get from Obsessed, I get here. It's all about The Cheese Stands Alone!

For some awesome AU and not so AU slash fics, check out Sajinn. Some great writing, and intricate stories. And hot sex.

Try the Denial Bubble for all your B/A needs. Discussion, awesome fic, and general Anti-Jossness, get back to the basics of the Buffy/Angel relationship.

Do you like South Park? No? How about the art when applied to naked Buffyverse male characters? I thought that'd get ya. Check out The Buffy Park for a laugh!

Fiction Recs

A great B/A fic. Just great. With an awesome twist at the end. Phoenix Burning by Yahtzee.

Some great S/X slash pieces here, check out James Chick's stuff at Bloody Kisses.

An angsty, wonderful S/x slash fiction, Waiting Here by Alexandria Brown is something you should all read.

I can't express in words how wonderful this fiction is. S/X, chock full of angst and hot sex and wondrous writing. Lazuli's Repossession is very high on my recs list.

Some more great fiction, pretty much general with a few odd ships thrown in for good measure. Just Another Insane Troll writes some amazing fiction at her site, Crazy Melty Land

Another great S/X story, this time by Yin Dagger, a fairly new writer, though you couldn't tell by reading her story, Long Time Gone.

You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll need a cold shower. For amazing Spike/Angel fiction by Kita and Jess, read the absolutely hilarious Days Of Our Unlives.

This one's great. James Walkswithwind has some great stuff on her site, GILA'S CAVE, but my favorite is by far the Sands of Time series. It's S/X primarily, but with a few very understated X/G undertones.

Looking for a little darkness? Angel's Slavery, a Spike/Angel BDSM fic by Shara Nesu is the place for you.

The Brat Queen's Epiphany Series is a great, great, great Wes/Angel fic. It's intricate, sweet, funny, angsty, and hot. Go there.

An ongoing and wonderful series, Esmeralda's Stranger Things is a great read.
