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Adnan Al Ahmed Al Mobarak Web Site

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 My Family!

See also  About Me, Resume', Interests, Favorites Friends, Proverbs


            I’m the second of six brothers. We lived a quiet  and joyful life for around twenty years when we gradually  started leaving our home  (Hems) for work. Today, we meet each other once a year on my vacation.  Our relations are based on Love and mutual respect.

             Besides being our father ,he is our friend. Abu Khalid is a compassionate, easygoing , generous, emotional, and fun-loving guy. He never stops helping others. In addition to having a sense of humor, he is a nervous. He works for the government. He does his best to run the family, and he almost did. He believes in education, so he  always encourages us to learn more and to get better. 

             Abu Al Hakam is my older brother. He is married and has two lovely children; Al Hakam and Al Laith. Khalid has a very simple nature.  He is a  talented math teacher and works in a public school in Dair Al Zour ,Syria. I miss him and his cute    kids .

           Ayman has a Diploma in Petroleum Production. He works for the government in Al Rimailan Oil Field, Syria. He is a really gentleman. Al karamah  football team is his first love. Furthermore, he is outgoing and has a fun-loving nature. Nervousness is  his characteristic that I don’t like .

 Radwan has a Diploma in Electronic Science. He loves reading and writing. Moreover, he is quiet, good-hearted, and peace lover. He is joining the military service soon.  Late dinner is one of his habits.

  Ahmed is spending his military service between Lebanon and Damascus. He is really good-hearted, generous, and so shy.  Unfortunately, He doesn’t continue his study, so he has taken some courses to be a barber. He has many close friends ,that explains his outgoing nature. In addition to my father, he is the only smoker  in the family .

  My youngest brother is Tammam. He is a secondary school student. We encourage him to get a good major next year. I can’t tell about his characteristics, because I came to Saudi Arabia when he was still a child. But I remember  that he was bad-tempered . He has become taller during the last two years.

Al Hakam and Al Laith are my nephews as I’ve mentioned. Al Hakam exactly resembles  his father , Khalid.  He is two years old. I sometimes talk with him on the telephone. I’ve not seen Al Laith yet  . ( I  miss them a lot  ) .


See also  About Me, Resume', Interests, Favorites Friends, Proverbs

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