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Underneath my exterior
Underneath my clothes
Underneath my words
A special persons grows
I may not be beautiful
My clothes may not be the best
My words may not be kind
But I`m as good as the rest,
If you look underneath it all
You`ll know it`s true.
You`ll see the beauty inside
And understand it too.
Written by Bobbi Sisk

I cannot appologize for being me,
For who I am God made me be.
I know the world will look at me
And see only what it wants to see.
But God will look inside my heart
And see the soft and molded part.
He`s shaped and formed to suit his will,
For him to see it waiting quiet and still.
For him to change each day anew
If he should choose each day to do.
And so I face the world as me,
I would not, could not, choose to be
Other than God made of me.
Written By Judy Sisk
We will leave our candle burning
In our hearts throughout our days
In hopes to meet with you
In your new home so far away

We will leave our candle burning
Through the love we have known in you
And hope that others will understand
That our moments are precious and few

We will leave our candle burning
As we travel throughout this land
And take the strangers we meet
And lend them a helping hand

We will leave our candle burning
With the love that you have taught
Through your kind and gentle ways
Which we needed and we sought

We will leave our candle burning
Ariauna and Bobbi,this we promise you
We will learn to laugh again
And try not to feel so Blue

We will leave our candle burning
And when it finally burns down
We know that we will be joining you
On a journey on Heavens ground.
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