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Ox People

You have a quiet and steady nature and are perseverant even in the most trying circumstances; because once you have made a commitment you keep your word.

You need peace and quiet to work through your ideas, and when you have set your mind on something it is hard for you to be convinced otherwise. Your plans and ideas are built on firm ground - you are unlikely to be swept off your feet by fascinating but unrealistic schemes - and your logical approach often pays off in the long term. You are well measured in your judgments and are wary of excitable or unpredictable behavior, but sometimes you are so set in your opinions that it does prejudice your actions. Underneath your calm exterior you can be as stubborn and hotheaded as an ox if pushed against your will or forced to change your position. You then need to be left alone to regain your composure, and others are advised to keep clear during this cooling-off period.

You are not extravagant, and the thought of living off credit cards or being in debt makes you nervous - indeed, the possibility of taking a serious risk could cause you many sleepless nights. You are truthful and sincere, and the idea of wheeling and dealing in a competitive world is distasteful to you - in face, people born in the ox years are rarely driven by the prospect of financial gain. You are well liked because of your honesty and patience, and your close friends appreciate the fact that you are rather introverted and wary of new trends, although every now and then you can be encouraged to try something new. When you are secure in your environment you are sociable and relaxed, but occasionally a dark cloud looms over you and you take on the worries of the world, mulling over the problems you see and trying to find solutions.
