The Hound of the Baskervilles
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Follow the links and answer the questions - you will be held responsible for all material on these sites.

1. Click on "Russell Baker on..." and read the introduction - briefly describe the folk tale (and where it came from) that first gave Sir Arthur Conan Doyle the idea for the beast.
2. Click on "Teacher's Guide" and click on "The Era of Sherlock Holmes." Copy Rosemary Jann's quote, and then explain it in your own words.
3. Explain in your own words how Holme's character is symbolic of the importance of class distinctions in the Victorian era.
4. What is the reason Holmes gives Watson for his drug use?
5. Besides drug use itself, what image did the Decadent make popular(the same image Holmes represents)?
6. Go to "Essays and Interviews" and click on "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle."  Why did Doyle kill off Holmes' character?
7. Who did Doyle model his famous detective and famous villain after?
8. What was Doyle's first professional career?
9. Why did Doyle resurrect Holmes to write the Hound of the Baskervilles?
10. What was Doyle's book "The Edge of the Unknown" about?


1. Click on "Themes, Motifs, and Symbols." What is one way that Holmes' logic and Doyle's Spiritualism might be reconciled?

Click on any of the following links to read The Hound of the Baskervilles online in its entirety:

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