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character abilities (not finished--updated Thursday 10/21/04)

Squishy file #1

Squishy file #2

Squishy file #3



^ Character info goes on the left. The big blank box is where the character portraits go. The smaller blank box is for the name logos (see below). The skinny little bar is a level-up meter.

The big blank box with the directions at the bottom is part of the primary menu. You scroll through the icon list next to it (item bag, etc.), then things like "Items" and "Gear" and "Status" appear in the big blank box, along with an explanation of what that feature does, as well as any options/submenus that go with it.

The box that just has the game's logo in it is where prompts appear. Things like "Quit? Yes/No" and "Select A Character" and so on.

Status-Profile menu

Status-Gear menu

^ These two are pretty self-explanatory. You'll notice I FEENESHED THE ICONS!!! (Good me.)


Orion sprite

Arden Rose sprite

Don Briar sprite

menu screen logos for player characters

title screen image

City Diagram
Imperial Palace




Desert | Outer Wall | Waterway | Grange | Street Level

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