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Kid Dorino Netcha Murl Reliza Vante Harle Tadpolean Sonja Solomon Lucca Sunflower

Roz Methuselah Belthasar

-[Time Periods]-

Iron Age / 300 AD
    IRON AGE / 300 AD

  • A = Northern Outpost
  • B = Truce Canyon
  • C = Truce
  • D = Manoria Pointe
  • E = Guardia Forest
  • F = Guardia Castle
  • G = Zenan Bridge
  • H = Denadoro
  • I = Magic Forest
  • J = Forest Camp
  • K = Port of Porre
  • L = Choras
  • M = Northern Ruins
  • N = Zenan Ruins
  • O = Medina
  • P = Zenan Pass
  • Q = Magic Cave
  • R = Cursed Woods
  • S = Frog King's Castle
  • T = Ancient Forest

    political/cave system map

Bronze Age / 1 BC

  • A = Pacifist Camp
  • B = Zenan Minor
  • C = Zenan Pass
  • D = Grand Zenan
  • E = Fort Medina
  • F = Magic Cave
  • G = Fort of Porre
  • H = Magic Forest
  • I = Last Outpost
  • J = Cursed Woods
  • K = Frog King's Castle
  • L = Beast's Nest
  • M = Manoria
  • N = Manoria Forest
  • O = Armistice Camp

    political/cave system map

Ice Age / 10,000 BC
    ICE AGE / 10,000 BC

  • A = Ancient Forest
  • B = Medina
  • C = Grand Zenan
  • D = Zenan Pass
  • E = Magic Cave
  • F = Arcanium
  • G = Zenan Minor
  • H = Magic Forest
  • I = Solarium

    political/cave system map

Quest Itinerary

START IN 300 AD AS DORINO | Northern Outpost | Truce Canyon | Truce | Manoria Pointe (optional) | Guardia Forest | Guardia Castle | Zenan Bridge

PERSPECTIVE CHANGES TO KID | Denadoro | Magic Forest | Dorino joins Kid | Forest Camp | earthquake resulting from boss battle with Murl makes return to Guardia impossible | Port of Porre | Netcha joins Kid | return to Guardia via Netcha's ferry to prepare for a second attempt at exploring the Magic Forest | second boss battle with Murl is interrupted by Lucca's arrival | Lucca explains the nature of the present crisis | someone is trying to alter the past to prevent the kingdom of Guardia from ever existing | Murl joins Kid | sail to the Choras continent to search for clues | Choras | Northern Ruins | discover the source of the time crisis may well lie in the Bronze Age | return to Lucca | Lucca gives the party a Tele-Porter, granting them a limited ability to travel in time | return to Choras, where Lucca claims there exists a potentiality for a time gate

WARP TO 1 BC | Pacifist Camp | Zenan Minor | decide to seek out Reliza, the future foundress of Guardia, who is trying to stop the Mystic War from happening | heroes attempt to pass the Giant's Claw cavern connecting the Choras and Medina continents, but are turned back by a Heckran who is resistant to physical attacks

RETURN TO 300 AD | return to Lucca | Lucca summons Spekkio, who grants magical abilities to the party

RETURN TO 1 BC | return to the Giant's Claw and defeat the Heckran | follow the Giant's Claw cavern to the hub of the Zenan Pass cave network on the Medina continent | Grand Zenan | arrested by General Roz, commander of the army of Mystics, and taken in for interrogation | Fort Medina | thrown into The Hole prison for allegedly conspiring with Reliza and the rebels against Reliza's brother, Lord Vante | follow the cavern beneath The Hole prison back to the hub of Zenan Pass | decide to seek Reliza on the Porre continent | follow the Magic Cave to the Porre continent | Fort of Porre | Magic Forest | Last Outpost | Reliza joins Kid | decide to try to make peace between Grand Zenan and the Frog King | Cursed Woods | Frog King's Castle | with peace with the Frog King assured, decide to focus now on the land of Manoria | follow the Beast's Nest cavern to the Guardia continent | Manoria | Manoria Forest | boss battle with Zakra, master of Manoria | peace is made between Reliza and Zakra | Vante and a few soldiers show up, saying that General Roz has betrayed Grand Zenan and taken the city for her own | wounded, Vante collapses, and several days pass as he recovers | Armistice Camp | decide to confront the treacherous Roz | Vante joins Kid | take the branching path in the Best's Nest to find the Passage of Woe | follow the Passage of Woe cavern back to the hub of Zenan Pass | return to the ruined city of Grand Zenan | boss battle with Roz | Lucca arrives, but too late--a massive temporal distortion occurs, and Kid loses consciousness

WARP BACK TO 300 AD | Kid finds herself trapped in Harle's body in the ruins of Vante's palace, and her friends are nowhere to be found | PLAY AS HARLE | Zenan Ruins | Medina | the Mystics of Medina explain how the brilliant Roz bested the empire of Grand Zenan and established Medina as a demi-human power | "Harle", totally confused by what has happened to her, decides to try to get back to Lucca's camp | Zenan Pass | follow the Magic Cave to the Porre continent | Lucca hasn't returned yet, but Belthasar (!!!) is there | Belthasar explains how Kid and Harle have switched bodies, as time is trying to reconcile them into a single individual | Kid/Harle's best hope is Solomon, the most brilliant man who ever lived | a potential gate to his era, the Ice Age, is in Medina's Ancient Forest, but only a demi-human may enter | decide to ask the frog people for help | Belthasar also warns Kid/Harle that time is short, so she can't afford to wait around for Lucca to return | Belthasar then disappears without offering any further assistance | Cursed Woods | Frog King's Castle | after a bit of persuasion or trickery or bribery, the Frog King agrees to help Kid/Harle enter the forest | Tadpolean joins Harle | follow the Magic Cave back to the Medina continent | Ancient Forest | Kid/Harle and Tadpolean become hopelessly lost, but are helped out by Sonja, a forest fairy | Sonja joins Harle | the spot where the time gate can be created is found at the far end of the forest

WARP TO 10,000 BC | Ancient Forest | Medina | Grand Zenan | Harle and friends are told that Solomon has gone to the Arcanium, where the few remnants of the wisdom of Zeal are housed | Zenan Pass | follow the Magic Cave to the Porre continent | Solarium | Harle/Kid explains her situtation to Solomon | Solomon thinks there may be a way to perserve Harle and Kid as seperate entities, as well as return them to their proper forms | follow the Magic Cave back to the hub of Zenan Pass | follow the Giant's Claw cavern to the Choras continent | Zenan Minor | Solomon takes the Ruby Knife from the treasury | this ancient item, made of Dreamstone, is vital for his plan to restore Harle/Kid | i>follow the Giant's Claw cavern back to the hub of Zenan Pass | follow the Magic Cave to the Porre continent | Magic Forest | the ruins of an ancient temple of Zeal are here | the magic energies of this place are needed to complete the ritual

That's as far as I've gotten. Check back later for more.

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