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Kid's Profile

Mysterious Traveler
Fire / Red innate
Age 16
origin: Guardia, Zenan
time period: Present / 1020 AD
height: 5'5"
weight: 99 lbs
build: Slender
weapon: Dagger
-Red Pin
*Fire 2
*New Dream
-Hot Shot
Bronze Dagger (+10)
Iron Dagger (+20)
Lode Dagger (+35)
Mythril Dagger (+55)
Denadoro Dagger (+75)
Dancing Knife (+100)
Graedus (+125)
Thief Knife (+150)
Ruby Knife (+175)
Radical Dreamer (+200)

Kid's Single Techs

Tech / Spell
-Red Pin
*Fire 2
*New Dream
-Hot Shot
one enemy
one enemy
one ally
one enemy
one ally
all enemies
all enemies
all allies
one enemy
all enemies
steal an item
Chaos status
restore up to 100 HPs and remove all status ailments
Fire element attack
increase speed
2x attack
stronger Fire element attack
Protect status and Shell status
4x attack
most powerful Fire element attack

About Kid

We all know Kid from her adventures with Serge and friends in Chrono Cross. At the end of the quest, it appeared that the part of Schala which went out into the world and became Kid might become one with Schala again. However, this did not happen. Kid's continued existence as her own person was pivotal to Belthasar's mysterious "Project Kid," in which Kid traveled back in time to save the child Serge from drowning, thereby enabling the eventual destruction of the Time Devourer and the liberation of Schala. It may have been possible for Kid to become part of Schala at that point, but Schala realized that Kid had managed to forge her own identity and her own life during her seventeen years on the earth, and that it would be the ultimate crulety to rob Kid of that existence. So, for perhaps the first time in her young life, Kid was truly free to follow her own path.

Some time has passed since then. With her business in El Nido finished, and all knowledge of her existence erased from the memories of her friends, Kid left the islands and traveled the world over, seeking a new purpose for the life Schala gave her. In time she became aware of a new threat brewing at some point in the distant past. Kid had never forgotten the lessons taught to her by her adoptive big sister Lucca, about how those with the power to affect time also have a responsiblity to protect it. With this truism and her love and loyalty for Lucca burning in her heart, Kid went into the past to address the rising problem. How Kid became aware of this time crisis, and how she managed to travel back in time to investigate it, are mysteries that are answered as the story unfolds.

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