- February 5, 2004 - Monthly Newsletter  - Issue #8 - Pls FWD -


Hello reader!

For the first time we have the contribution of an illustrator and he's a very good one. You can find the link to Dennis Thomsen's eerie and fantastic images on the Image Gallery page.

Apart from Thomsen's gallery, there are 3 new illustrations on the Image Gallery page, accompanied by excerpts of poems of Walt Whitman, Matthew Arnold and Henry Longfellow.

We also have new great contributions of Herbert Jerry Baker and Stuart Howson and the 3rd and last part of Moonlight's story Eternity.

The Darklore section has an article about Crop Circles, on which you can find all kinds of information about it. The Movie section has the review of The Abominable Dr. Phibes, a classic horror movie featuring Vincent Price.

The biography of the great poet and illustrator William Blake is the subject of the Library section, where you can also find two texts of his for download. The Music section subject is The Velvet Underground, a 60's band that never made much success, but whose influence has been lasting more than 30 years.

And last but not least, the Visual Arts subject is the life of Edvard Munch, one of the best expressionist painters of the late 19th century. Remember the painting that shows a man screaming at a bridge? That's one of his artworks. If you don't know about it, take a look at his biography's page, and you'll find the picture there.

I and all our contributors would like to wish you a very good month, full of progress in all areas of your life, and a good entertainment in our site.

Your webmistress, Marion Phillips

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Book Rating:
††††† = devour it at once
†††† = eat it in three bites
††† = worth a bite 

Cold Streets by P.N. Elrod ††††

The ninth entry in Elrod's Vampire Files series offers clever characterization, wicked wit and palatable mayhem, played out on the chilly streets of 1938 Chicago six months after the action in Lady Crymsyn (2000).

In case you haven't met Jack yet, he's a former newspaper reporter who now owns and runs a swank late 1930's nightclub (Lady Crymsyn) in Chicago. Oh, and he's also a vampire - but one to the good guys as opposed to a bloodsucker. 

He and his intrepid English partner, Escott, successfully rescue a kidnap victim, but find their heroics spoiled when it looks like the head kidnapper will get away with his nefarious deed.

The counterplot involves Jack's old friend Gordy - crime boss and fellow nightclub owner. A New York gangster shows up wanting to take over the territory. Yes another psychotic, with a tendency to get drunk and nasty. The ensuing crisis catapults Jack into temporary leadership of the local crime ring with results that would be comic if they weren't so horrific.

Meanwhile, there's Jack's nightclub, the Lady Crymsyn, to run, with help from perky Bobbi Smythe, Jack's chanteuse girlfriend, and Myrna, the Crymsyn's resident ghost.

Jack's powers of super-hypnosis and dematerialization are taxed beyond even his supernatural limits, and the latest audio technology, mob politics and a meat-house torture scene come into the picture before this entertaining detective romp is over. 

Night Fires by Karen Harbaugh †††

This is an interesting and unconventional story about a vampire who not only wants to be redeemed and to become a mortal again, but actually can become one.

Simone de la Fer is a vampire living in France at the time of the revolution, who hates to be a vampire. Every killing she does, she goes to a church afterwards to beg for mercy.

Then after a long time away from home, she gets back to find that her family had been decimated by the revolutionaries just because they were aristocrats.

She manages to find the killers and to kill them, but she repents and she's told by a priest in her confession, that the only way she could redeem her wrong doings is to save innocent people persecuted by the revolutionaries.

So she does, and the revolutionaries start to hunt her down, not knowing about her true nature nor her identity and calling her simply La Femme.

In the meantime Michael Corday, an assassin working for the British government arrives in France to kill the revolutionaries involved in the death of several British agents and to investigate their plans to take the revolution to Britain.

He meets Simone on a starlit highway and falls in love with her. The two help each other in their missions and face all kinds of danger. Although she finds love with him and he accepts her nature, her main objective is still to have her mortality back.

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- Darklore:
Crop Circlesmysterious patterns in the fields of England...Real or hoax?

- Music:
Velvet UndergroundThe most "subversive" band of the 60's

- Library:
William BlakeA visionary artist, considered an eccentric madman by his own friends

- Movies:
The Abominable Dr. PhibesAngered at his wife's death in a surgery, a theologist decides to kill all the doctors involved in it.

- Visual Arts:
Edvard MunchA great impressionist painter, who expressed his bizarre thoughts on the canvas 


- 3 new illustrations in the Image Gallery, accompanied by verses of Walt Whitman, Matthew Arnold and Henry W. Longfellow

- We're proud to announce the first gallery with works of a contributor illustrator, Dennis Thomsen, who brings us 6 of his marvelous and eerie pictures. See them in the Image Gallery and then go visit his site to see more;

- Other two new poems by Herbert Jerry Baker, one new poem by Stuart Howson and the 3rd and last part of Moonlight's story "Eternity" in the Stories & Poems section;

- Goth Greetings Site - send exclusive ecards to your friends. Several themes available. New additions every month. *8 new ecards*

- Goth Culture Timeline - ever wanted to know how the goth culture developed through the centuries? Here you may find your anwers.

- Leave your comments, suggestions or complaints, on the Guestbook. They may be answered by us, so if you expect an answer, check it after one week.

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