» Lanaia Lee - Dark Poems

- A November/2003 Special Feature -

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::The Ultimate Gift::My Visitations::If You Leave Me::

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|| The Ultimate Gift ||

Christmas eve when we first met many years ago 
That was the night I totally changed your life 
Sharing with you my unholy fate 
The only good thing in my existense is when you agreed to be my wife. 

A thousand years our love we have shared 
I was selfish to make tou like me 
All these years together I have loved you and cared 
But I have a Christmas wish to release you from your hell and set you free. 

The ultimate gift to you is for me to set you free 
But this gift I can't give you because I love you so 
All the decorations and lights and people seem to be filled with glee 
People bustling around you can see their faces glow. 

Since I love you so I should gladly release you from your hell 
But see I can't do that 
Because you are the best thing that happened in this morbid existense like being in jail 
It kills ne to know you have to creep rhtough the darkness just like a bat. 

Of all the Christmas gifts that I could give to you 
To release you and set you free would be the best of all 
Biut loving you so this selfishly I could never do 
Without you my love I would stumble and fall. 

|| My Visitations ||

You come to me in my dreams
Telling me you still love me and that you remain near
You are so real to me it seems
Loving you in a different plane of existence, I have no fear.

In my dreams we can still walk together hand in hand
We can still look into each other's eyes
You loving me from the dismal land of the dead
Being with you as if you never died.

The bridge between life and death seems so thin
As in my dreams I can touch you again
Like someone gave you a second life to tend
Like you were still here for me to lean on and depend.

I can't wait to get to sleep and see you again
To laugh, to cry, to again be by your side
Of being able to make mistakes, then them we can mend
To walk down the aisle one more time to be your bride.

So special and unique was the love we shared
In my waking hours the loneliness makes me want to cry
In my dreams we shall always be paired
But in reality I still question why.

|| If You Leave Me ||

As I sit by your bedside holding your hand
I'm really terrified of what I feel
Of losing you to death's infinite land
But I have to face what will probably result to be real.

The heart monitor, there is a line
The black Pegasus from the land of the dead has come
From this situation I wish to decline
I start to shiver, then I grow numb.

Your hand now is so lifeless and cold
How do I exist in the evil realm of life without you?
They are trying to bring you back from death's tight hold
Our hours and days together were too few.

Come back to me from the land of the unknown
Don't leave me to face life on my own
I don't want to bury you in the ground so cold
If you leave me my heart shall turn to stone.

As I softly cry, all of a sudden I hear a moan
The monitor starts beeping
Air going into your lungs, you groan
My heart feels as if it is leaping.

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Copyright © 2003 Lanaia Lee