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Lancing says up to Azoi, "I bet you can't even get down the stairs." Then, he looks at

Liberatus. "Searching for something. Did that furre get healed?"

Azoi smirks to him and shakes her head, "Yer right, for once. I prob'ly can't get down th' stairs." She rises carefully and steps forward onto the overhead of the doorway into the barn, worn surface creaking lightly before she drops down.

Liberatus nods, again glancing up to Azoi. "Yeh, 'e sure did. An' then 'e went ou' jes' like tha' an' I dun know where 'e is now." [In other words, they all had to go.]

Lancing shakes his head slightly, then by chance glances back to Azoi just before she drops. He utters a curse and moves to catch her.

Azoi would have landed just fine in all likeliness, perhaps slipping in the mud, but turns herself as he steps over to allow herself to be caught in the classic 'hero' style. She mock-swoons.

Lancing scowls at the pirate. "Cute. Next time, I'll just let you break a leg." He drops her.

Liberatus watches all this with a steady expression, taking a step closer so as not to have to look at Lancing's back. "Did ye fin' wha' yer lookin' fer?"

Azoi smirks at him and falls on her arse in the mud as he drops her, sneering slightly. "I dinna' ask for yer help in th' first place. An' I almost started t' see what charm Fae may see in ye. Now I'm thinkin' she's jus' blind." She rises and frowns, twisting lightly to gaze upon the mud-stained white pants.

Lancing shakes his head to Liberatus. "No. Just a bloodtrail, and a barnfurre that bleeds rum." He eyes Azoi. "You should go inside and get cleaned up, miss. Public drunkeness is frowned upon here."

Azoi smirks lightly and wipes some of the mud from the back of her leg with her left paw as she steps away, deliberately patting Lancing's back. "Aye aye, Cap'n." And unless stopped, she pads off.

Lancing glances over his shoulder. "Piracy is frowned upon, too. Just so you know. Illegal, I think."

Azoi nods softly and turns back to smirk at him, "Well if I'm t' be arrested for bein' th' way I was born an' raised, then breathin' should be.. frowned upon. An' by th' way, ye've mud on yer back."

Liberatus raises a brow now, turning to face the femme as she moves away. A paw lifts to hide a smile, but she soon frowns and draws her arms tightly around herself, suddenly reminded of the freezing temperatures. "Brr.. I'ss col' ou' 'ere.."

Jack Richards: What the bloody hell are you three doing out here?

Lancing glances at Azoi's breeches. "At least I didn't mess in my pants." He then glances at Jack. "They were trying to make a Lancing sandwich, but I told them I'm saving myself for marriage. Femmes. Pfft. Go fig." He shrugs helplessly.

Azoi smirks and turns, pausing. "Sorry for yer mistake. I was given a clown for a hero who jus' had t' interfere an' drop me in th' mud." She glances towards Jack and inclines her head a bit, "An' I trus' ye want t' be sleepin in a bed rather than danglin' by yer tail in th' ocean?"

Lancing pffts. "I'm a clown as much as you're a damsel in distress. Really." He shakes his head.

Azoi smirks to Lancing, "My point exactly, thank ye." She never was the damsel in distress type.

Lancing: Well, as much as I simply adore arguing with mouthy wenches, I think I'm going inside, too.

Jack Richards shakes his head, still grinning at the three of them.

Azoi frowns, gaze narrowing just a slight. Often her jest was in fun, but the name-calling usually crosses the line with her. "Ye think so? Don' hurt yerself." She steps towards Jack to join him just inside the barn.

Lancing gestures to Azoi's arm. "Oh, and if you need a paw to help you get those dirty trousers off, don't be a stranger, alright? I'd be more than happy." He waves slightly, then turns to head inside.