All the babbling below is my own © unless otherwise noted.
Plant trees.. If we are going to save ourselves.. plant trees anywhere and everywhere.. as many as you can.
All living things have consciousness. All conscious beings can communicate with each other. When it comes to Flora, they do talk to each other. They can warn of danger, help to support and heal another that has been damaged. Language is minimal, emotional and healing energies are the paradigm.
All of your senses are contained within your Heart.
Words are Power.. Thought is Reality
Fear makes you weak ... Love makes you strong
God made EVERYTHING ... in His own image
The bravest and the coolest person you can be is ... Yourself
"My child"
"Thou art beautiful
Thou art loved
Thou art mine."
The Goddess
LOVE .. is the most powerful force in the Universe. Love has the power to heal. Pure love will give one strength to face even the Darkness and not be afraid. Pure Love conquers all. But .. if love is used impurely, to use, take advantage or gain control over another, it can utterly destroy
FAITH .. what others say is Truth
GNOSIS .. yourself ?
There are no short cuts on the Path of Enlightenment. There is no hopping, skipping or jumping. You must live each and every step
Heaven is your Birthright, not a reward
Crows don't like bananas
Open your Heart ..
Forgiveness .. is a State of Being .. a letting go of everything ..
When you understand .. you will forgive everyone .. for everything.
Including yourself ..
Surrender and Accept ..
You will unburden yourself of everything ..
You will become Light ..
It is a State of Being ..
Open your Heart ..
It is but a State of Being ..
Polyamory, the Summer of Love and Intended Communities.
Growing up in Modesto in the '60's we lived right on the edge of it all. From concerts with the "The Seeds" & Strawberry "Alarmclock" at the Turlock Fairgrounds, to going to Berzerkley and People's Park, getting free breakfast from the Diggers (are they still around?) and lots of Pink Wedge & Orange Sunshine. While we were wrong about drugs, (although I still feel that psychedelics did open up a few doors) all the rest, about love, caring about each other, and togetherness was self evident. It was the Right Way.
Through my life, I never lost this center in my being. I tried to find this 'place' that would meet my inner feelings. I was part of a commune way down south in the desert near Mt. Palomar. We called it Desiderata named after the popular saying of the times. Someone found out the date the farmhouse was built and painted its horoscope over the front door! We had a huge garden, which was almost fun weeding it in the nude. There were about a dozen regulars and others who came and went. But it did not have a central 'theme' or purpose, it just sort of became a place to 'hang out'. It did not last, and I left early. Some of those who felt like I did, got along great, whomever had space in their bed .. it was wonderful. But for some it was the jealousy & envy thing all over again.
I have deeply felt since my youth but later in life learned to not always share with others, that it was possible for 2, 3, 4 or 5 or more (adult of course) men and women to be very much in love with each other without the insecurity that fed jealousy and fear. The hard part is in finding the right people who feel the same. I feel that the Hippie movement and the communes were but a trial run for this eventual peaceful way of life.
Intended Communities are springing up all over the place. People are looking to 'get off the grid'. I think this time the movement will push even farther towards the feelings that I never gave up on. Love, Peace, butterflies and weeding naked!
It's still groovy to me. Jennifer
I contain within my Faery essence the feelings of both male and female. I see no difference, I am the blend, combination of both. Unity. Love transcends Human form, it rises in Unity to rejoin the Divine. The Light of Love, is the Light of Life. We become one with Divine Light.
"Eat, Drink and be Faery. For Tomorrow We Fly !!"
"If you have learned to see with your Heart, then you know, that you do not have to be in the forest ...
to hear the tree fall"
"and who heals the healer ? every time the healer, heals another, the healer receives healing. but the healer is not always healed. except for the soul"
Life the Celebration
Life is meant to be a celebration. Life is not just about lessons and experiences and work. It is also meant to be a time of great Joy and Love. Life has been given to us out of Love. We are not born in sin. We are not guilty of anything. We have nothing to repent. Heaven is our Birthright, not a reward. The Goddess/God gives us our lives out of Love. Life is meant to be a time of great Joy and Beauty. All of us... get to go back to Heaven. It is our Home
The Weak Minded are cannon fodder for the Dark
"Human kind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect"
Chief Seattle
"Rest and laughter are the most spiritual and subversive acts of all"
Ann Lamont
The Right Thing vs. The Necessary Thing
"Is there a discernible line that can be drawn between what causes harm and what may be considered free will? How does this reflect on the philosophical conundrum of doing the right thing or doing the necessary thing? When you see a young man on a street corner holding a sign that says "why lie, I need a beer" do you give him money to help him on "his path" ? Because that is the course he has chosen to walk, would you do harm to not give? OR The older man or woman who is obviously needy asking for money at the next corner, do you not give? Because that is the path she has chosen? Do you do harm to give her money when this is her lesson to learn? And however you decide to give or not give, do you not still feel their hurt?"
"I am not advising one to 'give or not to give', my intent is to show that our morality and ethics are a two edged sword. That doing the 'right' thing and doing the 'necessary thing' may often be in conflict. How you resolve this problem is most subjective and should be done within your own heart. Whether you feel morally higher for not giving money to the young man to fuel his addiction, and he later breaks into parked cars for the money, either way he will be allowed to walk his own path. We do not have to like or approve his choices. Nor am I saying that we have to respect, or accept his path however harmful we may deem it to be. Simply, that it is his path. And to this young man in this life, his path is as valid as yours or mine. I have not always had the good fortune of a warm home and a full plate. I have known the desolation of life on the streets. And it's humanity. I am humbled"
With all this being said, it needs to be mentioned here, that none of this philosophical debate is to be used as a 'cop out', to do nothing, to not hear the cry for help. That the call to 'service' is still to be heard, and not ignored
"We are not Human Beings struggling with spirituality, we are Spiritual Beings having a Human experience"
Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)
"It has been my experience that all beings incarnate. Besides Humans, there can be Angel, Dragon, Faery, Gnome, Elf, Pixie, Nymph's and many others walking around down here in Human physical form. There are other Spiritual beings that also incarnate, but into forms other than Human. Of all the beings I have met in the Spiritual realms, this holds true
While in Human form most, do not have an inkling of this. But some, if they have learned enough, can begin to understand this fundamental truth. These beings do contain energies that are different from Humans
When a person has been able to connect and understand what has made them feel different most of their life, it is possible to start to manifest some of these different energies into the Human physical body and realm
So, from this perspective, it does not really matter who else perceives the Dragon, only that the Dragon does"
"Every breath is sacred, every moment divine"
"We are all connected. We are all one. You are not alone, you never have been. We are all one upon the Great Wheel of Life. What affects one, affects us all. When one of us suffers , we all suffer. When one is down, we are all down. We are not separate from each other except.. in our own minds"
The Leaf
" When you start to 'open' spiritually, you will realize that things that once held great import for you, will no longer be of great import.. As you change your priorities around, the old things you did to occupy your time will no longer hold any or little interest for you. When you do your mental checklist of activities you find that you may have to write a new list. Sometimes this means starting with a totally blank page to fill, and a little boredom may creep up. Relax, go with the flow. See yourself as a leaf floating on a wide calm river. The leaf has no purpose other than to let the river carry it along to where ever it goes. Be a leaf. Let go. Just let the river carry you gently along... and know that this too, has a purpose. . . ."
"Catch and release .. wild women !"
"As we all see the same things a little bit different from everyone else, so shall you understand your own truths. This is why there is so much disagreement and discord in the religions of the world. The true follower of the Path of Spirit, has risen above the need for religion. Religion is for those yet to discover their own truths"
"CATS.. nature's yoga masters"
The Great Awakening
"The "Great Awakening" and "Armageddon" are one in the same. However, this ending is not the extinction of Man, but the ending of the paradigm of the Ego. This is the "End Of The World", the "Armageddon" prophesied since ancient times. It was known that when Man turned away from the Heart and followed their Ego driven desires into violence, that a day of reckoning would one day come upon us. This, is what they feared. This is what is now almost upon us. This, is also the "Great Awakening". As more and more people are starting to realize that there is a whole spiritual world and life waiting for us, we are slowly returning to the Way of the Heart and turning our backs on the life we've been placated into and forced to live. Yes, "the end is near!" but this is a good thing"
Polarized Time
or.. How to be in two places at once when no one is looking
All matter's normal state is to exist in Spherical Time. All particles normal state of being is spherical or in a non-linear state or Quantum State. When matter comes under the influence of Gravity, it is pulled into alignment, it is polarized into Linear Time
This is observed as the gravitational effect on the Space-Time Continuum. The force of Gravity pulling matter into orbits/gravity wells. When particles are bound together in mass through gravitational attraction, the effect is to pull each particle into Polarized or Linear Time. The physical effect seen by the Observer, is the warping of the Space-Time Continuum. Gravity acts as a Time Lens, pulling Spherical Time into alignment with particles under its influence, polarizing into Linear Time
Each element or particle that exists in Spherical Time carries its own pocket of Spherical Time. Because of each particles individual pocket of Spherical Time, the Observer in Linear Time cannot see the movement of the particle from one point to another. What the observer does see, is the Wave Phenomena, which is only the Wake created by the particle in its path, but not the movement of the Particle in Quantum Flux or Spherical Time
The Wave Form is aligned along infinite Lines, with points of reference or destinations or Physicality along it. At these points is the Observable Point of Reference of Physical Observation. This is the reason Particles seem to 'jump' from point to point without traveling in between
"Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious"
Oscar Wilde
copyright © Jennifer Sanfilippo
The artist of the beautiful painting above is unknown. If you know this artist please let me know so I may get permission to use this painting.