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The Wolf and the Rapture


I was awake. But only for a few minutes had I been so. It is early morning. It is my day off from work, and I lay comfortably on my back, deciding if I should get up, or go back to sleep. One of the sweet pleasures in life. I lay there with eyes half open. Slowly I breathed, not wanting to rush any decisions.

Suddenly through my half closed eyes, my vision changed. I could no longer see my bedroom. The dresser and the television that sat upon it, were gone. Even the wall behind the dresser and the ceiling were removed from my sight. All that I could now see, was the head of a large wolf very close to mine. Even closer the wolf became until all that I was able to see, were his large yellow eyes staring directly into mine.

I had somehow shrank in size. The wolf was now much bigger than I. All there was for me to see, were his enormous yellow eyes. His eyes were locked onto mine.

I was not able to breathe. I was slowly suffocating. I knew the reason that I could only see the wolf's eyes, was because his jaws were around my throat. I was looking up at him, as he took my life. I started to struggle, but he was too powerful and much bigger than I. At first there was a moment of fear, but only for a moment. I realized that I was dying. This wolf had control of my life, and was taking it away from me. His yellow eyes were looking deeply into mine. I saw only his eyes. I knew that this was my last moment of life. I had no choice but to surrender to him. I accepted my fate.

When I decided to accept and surrender my life, a wonderful thing happened. My vision started to darken as the wolf took my life. The wolf's face started to fade away. Then I felt a lightness of my body, like I was starting to float. Slowly my vision started to return. I was no longer at the mercy of the wolf. The wolf still had my body in his grip, but I was no longer part of that body. There was a gradual lightness growing above me as I felt myself starting to rise. The wolf was now below me. I was slowly floating upward. Towards ever increasing light.

This was more than about just 'seeing' light. There was this feeling of the most unspeakable emotional burst of joy that increased as I continued to rise. I felt a tingling all over my body. I still had a body, just not the one I had used up until now. The higher I went the more this most wonderful tingling felt like a merging. I was merging with the Light, becoming one with it. I felt myself bathed in the most profound spiritual love. I felt overwhelming Love embrace me. I was feeling Rapture. I was Home...

This was not the same as reported 'near death experiences'. There was no tunnel, no far away light, nor was it a dream state. This was an overwhelming emotional and physical sensation that has no comparison to any physical or mental experience.

These mere words cannot begin to explain or describe the reality of this experience. To understand and know, that life and death are just reflections of each other, and that there is nothing to fear in death, is also understanding that there is nothing to fear... in life.

The Great Wolf Spirit gave me that morning, a gift so special... these humble words of gratitude, cannot describe. I am awake.


copyright © Jennifer Sanfilippo



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