Why you say?

 Blue Jay & Cardinal

 We can't  often reach out and  touch  others


  The  hardened  surface of our  lives . The crude  words that signal  our proposed  joy  in  agreement  have  become  like  grating  rocks  that  rub the  solid inside us  " the  soul "  is always  yearning  to  find  a  friend  in arrangments of  words  in books  or   bright  words  of  light .   The  so called  "path  of   golden  understanding " .  Without  interaction  and  in captivity  the  human  has  found  countless ways  of entertainment ,  but  the fire  that  burns inside . The brain  learning  without  boundrys  leaps  into  endless interpertations  of   experience .  


"American Idenity" A Unique Culture

The unique character of The USA is that her population is multiethnic. Within the Amercian industrialized civilization the common man is described as having a lack of historical awareness,a blind faith in ethnic and religious superiority and discrimination,and leasing his personal attention and family education to the goverment and corporations who together bombard him with propaganda and rethorical conditioning which dictates his decisions,behavior, and opinions.I often read about the stereotypical descriptions of a "American" by different ethnic peoples across the internet. For over 100 years Americans have used this "United Nations" or multiethnic idenity to justifiy war,military interventions ,"police actions",or do whatever they as "good guys" feel like doing! Just so you the reader know, I am a Amercian. I personally feel that the rest of the world is aware to the fact that our goverment uses this knowledge in "demonizing" her enemies. Different ethnic people from around the world have gained citizenship here and that fact would make this statement true.How long will the rest of the world allow the United States to pretend being a "superpower"?

Free trade based capitalism has brought the wealth of the worlds consumer product industries to corporation based superstores in every US reigon and neighborhood,so the conservation of gasoline should be made more important as the personal need to travel is decreased.As Americans forigen policy is recongised as reckless throughout the world, personal saftey of americans who travel abroad is increasinly dangerious,as individuals americans cannot escape being stereotyped.Beliving myself to be a "enlightened" american citizen I would describe my preception according to experience and limited observations of mass media.The typical American would be above all impatient acoustmed to having satisfaction assured as cheap retail and fast prepared food products save time in his journeys between his involvement in various hierarchical organization and corporation structures.Vast amounts of time and resource is wasted asorbing entertaining civil events and watching commerical program based media. (television,radio,cinema,magazines..) Thus highly mobile but never out of reach instant communcation, The modren American is immeresed and spoiled by sensual stimulation.

I belive this constant sensual stimulation has overwhelmed this modren man's understanding and is devolving his relationship to family and intimate human interaction.Adult education does not end in schools but is lifelong and extended by his observation and attention given to program based media.Corporation based commericalism invades his conscience and being so distracted lets this process take over the education of his children.Ethnic cultural idenity is replaced by a "American Idenity".

The American Idenity is unique in human cultural eveoloution. The American is a multi-ethnic individual who must rationalize reality according to information the media presents to him.Primarlly preceving his peers as either white(Europeon),black(African),yellow (Asian & Mexican),tan (Semtic & Arabic),red (Native American Indian) The American relies upon his visual color identification of individuals.

A white American does not think himself to be German,French,English,Irish,or Europeon he knows he is white and that is how all the various other "colored" Americans see him,so slowly he has been losing his cultural custom and idenity through cross breeding.

The African American after being forcefully uprooted or sold into slavery by thier own tribal ancestors became the manual labor force in the young colonies of North America.Other than knowing that black people came from Africa by way of white traders ancestorial tribal identification could be made possible by DNA testing But African Americans look at each other and know they are black because thats how the white man sees him.These asslimilated African Americans generally preceive the white American regardless of his wealth with resentment.

Spanish Mexicans are viewed by black and white Americans as being Mexican and not belonging to a Spanish Roman Catholic subculture.Spanish and African Americans have a high birth rate compared to Europeon Americans and with breeding across all color lines,Ethnic tolerence and identification is asslimilated and erased.Chinese,Japanese,Korean and other Pacific Rim ethnic nations are identified as Asian or Oriental Americans as western education places little emphasis upon historical and geographical identification.

The Native Americans (Indian) whether being from North, Central, or South America has managed to survive in small populations from the Colonization and exploitation by Western Europe's migriations.The average American views these people as a curious relic left over from westard expansion.That the United States pushed native North Americans into concentration camps (reservations) to make safe the construction of Industrial civilization would begin this Capitalistic nation building process I have been most attempting to describe.

This visual method of cultural identification leads the average American to preceive the world with indifference. The American English langauage Includes many words which confuse the average American in understanding the carefully worded media and goverment sponsered propaganda pronouncements.

Remote Control Programming

 I was a child during the 1980's and now I am 30 in 2005.My point of view or preceptional awareness begins during my childhood years.The overproduction of American Agriculture in the 1980's caused many farmers to become indebted to banking organizations and being forced to be involved in goverment commdity programs.I remember the powdered milk, canned pork,and bricks of cheese or surplus food given to my family during the 80's.Saddly many of these farmers land were sold to and asorbed by corporations and food processers would offer contracts to purchase a farmers full harvest or livestock production resulting in the increasingly unhealthy diet of cheap processed foods and many American's have a diet oversaturated with animal protien which has resulted in a obesity epidemic.Obesity is known to be linked to diabeties heart disease,and colon cancers.

 Also in the 1980's cable television increasinly filled the void of American family life.As the gap between the upper class and lower class has begun to widen and the social ladder of class mobilty removed or restricted,poverty prevented many from leaving the home to find quality entertainment.Cable television emerged as a affordable diversion to fill idle time. Cable television also was beggining to educate the American family or molding different ethnic groups into assuming a stereotypical "American Idenity". Television is the molten forge that has shaped the melting pot character in the United States. Television content is referred to as "programming" which is the process that computer and machine operators write coded instructions that determine how those brainless machines operate or function.

 A sample of television programming instruction would serve to illustrate the purpose of Corporation sponsered and goverment regulated (FCC) multi-media creation.Ideal family interaction and behavior (sitcom),"civilized" behavior crime and court based instruction,mating customs and skills for teen and adult,and between almost all programming content there are breaks in viewing,and this is filled with segments known as Commercials.Commercials contain retail product & luxury item descriptions and public service announcments.A typical 60 minute television program will repeat commercial messages in 15 minute intervals.This subliminal routine conditioning of the human brain by repeating rhetorical messages has changed man's understanding and his relation to his family and civilization.

 I belive this constant sensual stimulation has overwhelmed this modren man's understanding of reality.Television viewing is a addictive activity.Most people in the United States spare at least several hours per day to television exposure. some People will tune into a scheduled program but most just randomly change through the channel selection "looking for something on".Too much television exposure can be likened To ultraviolet sun ray exposure as being hazardous to human mental health.The corporation sponsered media is aware of televisions negative effects and commercial public service announcments often encourage children to read books and the need to have volunteers help adults attain literacy.

 Any human child will exibit the range of emotions that are common human reactions.Adults look upon the child with a sense of love and regret in having lost thier sense of "feeling".That teenage children react against the subliminal routine ,formal and informal, conditioning of the human brain through rebellious behavior is a natural human reaction to the contuined industrialized breeding and education of man's existence in the artifical and unnatural urban civilization.

 Increasingly even a lower class American household will provide individual television monitors for each member's room This further fragments the family as the child can be programmed individualy or improve hand eye coridination by playing video games as the adult is entertained in the "living room" or bedroom.The ironic result of this trend,is while familys under one roof separate to be programmed as individuals the programming content is usually depicting interaction between people! Industrialized or "civilized" families are spending less time together in non-entertaining activities such as ethnic custom and moral behavioral education.Thus when families do inneract together domestic violence often occurs.A Fictional ideal of reality is confused with the familiy's particular character. Communcation is nonexistent or diffuclt.The tyranny of blind obedience causes the impatient parents to chemicaly alter a child's brain to obtain untaught domestic control over a healthy human emotional child. "Attention defict disorder" would be a failure to follow a direct command.To break the soul or spirt of a child in this way illustrates the sad state of industrialized civilization.

 Simple survial is taken for granted and the main relation amoung familiy members would be to obtain stylized mass produced products that support the visual based programming has succeded.People and families that need to wear or flaunt stylistic consumer trends are indeed covering the lack of depth within ones heart or soul. You should not "judge a book by its cover" but the American stereotype is a individual who visualy judges individuals by appearance and if that person communicates with another entertainment media is often the topic of conversation.


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