Sometimes You Just Gotta Laugh!

There are times when in sarcasm or just in the moment we say things on-line that are especially funny and worthy of note. I thought I would devote a page to posts that have made us smile. E-mail me with any that you have seen that you think should be nominated!

Those newly pg, those ttc and those who plan ttc...
There is something you should know.
Liz Lange is a whore. Her stuff is meant to fit someone who is a size 4 PETITE who has never been pg and works out religiously six hours a day everyday, including holidays and weekends.

Target is mean for bringing her stuff in. It won't cover your panel thirty minutes after your EPT has dried.

"Mommy is taking a break because you are a heathen! &quo
I came in here to check the boards while Jordan and daddy are eating a snack. I can hear Jordan saying "momma" and Larry says ""Mommy is taking a break because you are a heathen!"

Re: "Mommy is taking a break because you are a heathen!
18 month olds.....God's perfect birth control!!!!

Re: Just a heads up.. Surprise, Surprise!!
Tony's could swim across the bed sheets and attack me..he wouldn't even have to touch me Good thing he got fixed huh??

Re: Amy....
As for the woo-woo... well, last night she got a break. DH says to me Tuesday morning, "I think me and my troops need a day off. We need to regroup."

Linda: . . . on fantasising and role playing
We do fantasize though, out loud to each other - just words and mental images, not costumes and props. haha
Um... I have a shoe that says otherwise

Re: Fantasies and Role-Playing S-E-X
That's one fantasy Bill and I have in common... me, to have a MAID, him, for her to dress in the traditional "french maid" get up.
You owe me a new keyboard. This one has spit up water all over it.

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