Oh The Things That They Say . . .

Sometimes our kids come out and say or do the funniest things. And we have to hold our laughter and not laugh our . . . um . . . our . . . our bummies off. So I figured this was a good place to put some of them. So go ahead . . . laugh . . . I won't tell if you don't!

Hannah's new favorite toy is a box of tampons She has been sitting on the floor quietly taking them in and out of the box for about 20 minutes now

Should I be concerned?

Re "Don't question me?"
Wonder what i'm missing.
Sydney walked in the room this morning and said... word for word...
"Mamma, could you please NOT question me today? I'm afraid if you do something will go very wrong."
What on earth could this be about? LOL
Re: "Don't question me?"
When asked what question I'm not supposed to ask her she says.

"Ummmm? ... Nothing.. never mind"
and runs off.!!
LOL something tells me I'm missing something.

How twins are made... according to Nicholas.
"Mom? How do you get twins? Is it two penises in one vagina?"

Things I am learning not to say. . .
1) Last night Emily was playing on the floor and it sounded like she bumped her head on the table. I made eye contact with her and asked, "What happened?". She proceeded to bump her head on the table again to show me. Mental note: don't ask 'what happened?' after Emily has injured herself.

2) This morning we were running errands and she was eating crackers in the shopping cart. I noticed that the cracker was gone and I was surprised that she had eaten it so fast so I asked, "Where did your cracker go?". She proceeded to spit out a half-chewed cracker into her hand to show me where it went. Mental note: don't ask Emily 'where'd it go?' during mealtime.

Be careful how you phrase your questions now!!

Now I know our kids are sometimes even funnier than this so e-mail me with your chuckles and laughs inspired by our little ones. I can share them here for everyone to laugh at!

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Email: nicole_n_harris@hotmail.com