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What does the charity do?



Volleyball Games


About the Charity

Child Welfare Scheme (CWS) works with local communities, in Nepal, to help improve the lives of children in poverty. CWS has helped more than 10 mountain villages communities build and manage their own day-care, early-learning, health centres, as well as water systems and smokeless stoves.

CWS receives most of its donations from countries and schools abroad.


The charity has opened up day-school facilities for pre-school children. Children's drawing, dancing and game competitions are organised.

A JYOTI Vocational Training Centre has also been built to help youths from disadvantaged backgrounds to reintegrate back into society.

volleyball games
CWS has always made a major effort to minimise expenses. CWS guarantees that at least 90% of your donations will reach the people intended to benefit. In fact, in the year 2000 the actual figure was in excess of 96%. This was an incredible achievement.

Youth-for-Youth Festival 2003

Jointly organised by The Body Shop HK and CWSN annually for the past 5 years. Volleyball tournaments and cultural dance tournaments help to bring together youths from remote areas to promote, protect and enjoy their village traditions.





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By Grace Cheng 9D and Shegalla Choy 9H

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