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My Favorite Quotes
Studying Abroad
My Past

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Hello!  Welcome to my home page.  I made this web page so that you can learn more about me. 

Throughout my life I have lived in a few different locations.  I have traveled and enjoyed so many experiences.  If your interested in reading about my past, click here.

Currently I am student at James Madison University.  If your are interested in learning about JMU visit there web page by clicking here.  I am a freshman at the school and absolutely love it.  I am enjoy doing so many different things and meeting so many great friends.  We often go snowboarding at Massanutten Ski Resort which is very close to the school.  Check it out!

In the future I have many plans.  I hope to study abroad as a junior in Belgium.  Click here for a further explanation of studying abroad.  What an incredible experience!  Currently I am studying to be a marketing major.  I hope to pursue a career as a sales representative for either pharmaceuticals or for a clothing manufacturer.  Take a look at my resume.  I also hope to get married and have a family. 

Click here for my favorite quotes page.

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