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My Favorite Quotes
Studying Abroad
My Past

My Past:

I was born in Arizona.  After I was about a few months old, I moved to Utah.  I resided in Utah until I was seven years old.  At seven my family moved to Virginia and I have lived there ever since.

I am very close with my family.  I have an incredible mother, who always has the very best advice.  My father is a very awesome person.  My father can always make everyone laugh.  My sister is also an amazing person.  She is currently pregnant with her first child.  We are all very excited.  The baby is going to be born so soon!

As a child growing up, my family has always tried to travel as much as possible.  The majority of my extended family lives in California.  I am very lucky because I have visited them at least once ever year of my life.  They also visit often, so the frequent visits have kept us very close.  My family has also taken some awesome trips to Montana, London, St. Martin, and last summer we went on a cruise.  The cruise was fabulous!  It went to St. Thomas, St. Lucia, St. Martin, Antigua, and Barbados.  If you have never been on a cruise, I strongly recommend it.  Check out the home page of Royal Caribbean cruises to learn more.