A single wolf can have many elements, but the more you have the weaker you are

You have the choosen power to create wind or change the current of it. Wind is not a dangerous element if used properly. If a wind user uses this element in a bad way it can create tornados an destory anything in it's path of revenge the downfall of this is that it can kill it's user.

You have the power to create and control fire for a limited amount of time. The longer you use this element the more tired you get and the fire will develope a mind of it's own. Burning everything in sight.

You can control the current of water or create rain for short periods of time. Rain mixed with a dangerous element of Wind can create hurricans.

You have the ability to freeze things including water. Though making a water element mad is bad news. When these two elements combine they can create blizzards.

Only true souless wolves have this skill. Dark is another on of those uncontrolable elements. Dark wolves can make others have nightmares to the extent that they think it actually happened..though the effect can also backfire. Dark wolves have a bit of illusion in them and can create a shadow figures only.

An easier element to control. It's not uncommon, however for a dark wolf to have this element as oddly as it may be. This element can make the sun rise or fall. They can also create lightning if they are strong enough. Light wolves are allies to Fire wolves as they have a bit of fire power in them.

You have the ability to make objects appear to be moving or if you're really good you can make other's invisible or make objects that weren't there be there. The bad side to illusion is that used improperly the illusion will become real. Unfortunately wolves with Telepathy don't get along with Illusion.

Telepaths can only communicate with other telepaths but they can also mess up a train of thought to Illusion if they are powerful enough to handle Illusions dangerous side effects.

You have the ability to shift into items. This element is the most difficult to learn and control as you may find your self shifting into different items all at the same time. If you get really good at this element which most wolved DO NOT then you can change into living things or your friends! Shifters though can have many enemies a few here are Illusion and Telepathy.

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