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.:Demonic Abyss:.
-->Demonic Abyss<--
->Wolf Pack Rules<-
<---Links Will Be placed here--->

-=- .:A Note:.-=-

Welcome to the the packs rules.
The following rules are for the Demonic Abyss wolf pack. They should be followed at all times when you are in the pack. If by any means they are broken by a member, that member will either be lowered in rank or if it is serious enough exiled from the pack forever. Please remember these rules where made to make role playing in this pack a more enjoyable place to rp for all members and not to limit you.

-=- .:Wall of Shame:.-=-

((The wall of shame...a place where exiled wolves have there names engraved upon the walls of a dimmly lit cave. So all may see those who have broken the laws of a pack and all may look down upon them...))
Currently No Wolves Have Been Thrown From The Pack
Good Job Every One.

1. No GM or PP what so ever. If you don't know what this means-ask!

2. One mate per wolf. It's highly frowned apon if you get a new mate every mouth. You may only change mates if your's has died or become inctive.

3. No desperates or n00bs. If you do not know what they are here is an over all def. For both: A
desperate is a person who souly comes to packs to find a "mate" and "mate" with that "mate". You can tell a person is a desperate if that person constantly hits on other wolves and'll know one when you see one. ^^;
A n00b is a wolf rper who is either really new to wolf rping or a person that does not learn very quickly. The following traits are that of a n00b:
Flooding with OCC/IRL (most of the time without even the tags)
Refering to yourself in third person where as you refer to others using second person. Or refering yourself as first person and refering to others as second person. (i.e.: *She lay her head down on your shoulder, sighing.*)
And using tons of one liners.

4.Respect all ranks and those above you! Be warned if you do not then the ranks have the right to put you in your place. 5. DO NOT ADVERTISE for any other guild or site on this page. If you want us to link you become an allie or enemy.

6.Don't talk about your IRL problems no cares. Also don't confuse OOC with IC..otherwise peeps will get reallt testy.

7. We'd like to think of our guild as being inter med. That means NO one liners. You must have at least 4 senetences or more. If your posts aren't up to standard you get one warning then are booted.
8. No graphic mateing or birthing. No one wants to see this so take it some place else. Ick.
9. You may challenge for any ranks except Alphas. Though it's really the Alpha's choice if you deserve a rank or not. Don't beg to get a rank upgrade either.
That's all for now..don't make us have to add more =(
