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= F A Q =

Q: Question
A: Answer

Q: How often do you draw?
A: I draw around 5 to 7 times a day, and hardly never show them off. I really don't show off most of my work.

Q: Do you sell your work?
A: Sometimes I do, but I only really do sell them if only someone would want to pay for it or if there was a Art Show going on in town. I like to give away my work for free.

Q: Could you draw me something?
A: I love to draw something for someone, and when I am in the process of doing so, I fear that it may come out not the way the wanted it or something else. But I really enjoy drawing for other people, because I guess its a start to get popular.

Q: Could you build a site for me, or host one for me?
A: Nope, ju's can't duu it.  :P

Q: Your artwork Sucks!
A: I know, thanks...but why are you wasting your time looking at this site if you think so?

Q: You have only little miner problems.
A: The women's Posing! I know I am working on that and some other things, like pretty much everything, because I try my very best. So   :P


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Josh-Art is Copyrighted © 2003-2004 By Josh Bratton
All Art and creations are made by Josh.
Please ask before taking any artwork, thank you.