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Random Facts

Basic Crap

Stuff I Hate

Stuff I Don't Hate

Movies I've Wasted or Not Wasted My Money On

CD's I've Wasted or Not Wasted My Money On

Quizzes I've Wasted My Life Taking

Movies I Would Claw My Own Eyes Out To See Over And Over Again(doesn't make sense)

My Opinion On Things(Oh God NO!)

Them Gods (and Goddesses) I Enjoy

My Love Of Shows

Watch And See The Bands And How I Love Thee

My Wrtting AKA Random Crap That Has Spewed Forth From My Insane Mind

Guestbook Magic (sign it or I will nemove vital organs!)

Layout © Loki Sheep Image © Esheep. Other image is © to their respective owners. If any image here is your and you wish it removed contact me and I will do so as soon as I can.