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Site Info Goodness

What's Up With The Name?

Well my pretties...I was happily listening to Mr. Marilyn Manson's(AKA extremly pretty man!) wondeful new CD when The Golden Age of Grotesque came on. I was siging along...(badly I might add) when one line one pretty lyrics peeked my intrest. You can find them HERE

Why Do You have This Site?

Sheer boredom my dears...That and I'm learning how to make layouts. So I need the practice! And one day I will have a lovely webcomic up...just not here...

When did you start it?

Don't know.


Neat Text Effects and Some HTML tutorials


Layout © Loki Sheep Image © Esheep. Other image is © to their respective owners. If any image here is your and you wish it removed contact me and I will do so as soon as I can.