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Wow it's been a logn tie, I haven't updated in forever!> I'm 21 now that's all i really have to say!

So I'm updating everything and hopefully it will make the page look super awesome after I get done....

Well it is a new year...and I am almost 19...that is freaking scary...I started working on this site when I was about 3 years! well today I added the quizzes section...just a bunch of random quizzes that I've taken so far it's only 3 but it will grow I promise!

Only two days till christmas! I duno seems good to's kind of snuck up on me...but that's ok! OH and mad props to everyone who randomly gets here by clicking on links I or other people have randomly placed...!!!!

Well time for another late update...I should really do sometihng on here add something but I can't think of what I would add, oh well...I thought about adding a poetry section but yeah we'll see. Everything is stressfula dn I am currently avoiding studying for finals! lata

Wow it's been forever since I updated. Well yeah. Jonathan is grounded which is sadness...but his parents let him hang out wiht me on fridays and saturdays which works except a few weekends when he has math team and stuff like that...and that makes me sad. but it will be ok. School is going in general is well. I've added some new pictures and stuff, that's about it!

People have been coming by...that makes me a happy cookie, but you know what makes Tamara a sad cookie? I can't do band next semester because Auburn Universities music department makes me mad! Well yeah, that's enough about that. Someone requested that I put a sound file on here with me singing. For one I don't have any, and second no one really wants to listen to me singing stuffs. Well if I ever get anything recorded that I can put up here I'll make it so you can hear it if you want to or something along those lines...

No one visits my makes me sad little counter doesn't only has one hit...

Well yeah this is my life....and this is how I live's not a whole lot going on. I've been haing out with friends and have relaly gotten into this game...Dragon Court you should check it out sometime...well yeah no one checks out my site at all it's really sad...oh well...melos been down forever an dI miss it...I don't have a whoel love more to say so I guess I'll stop rambling now!

So I am officially a college student now...and that's scary...I am enjoying it so far though. Us Auburn people have had to stick together...and everyday everywhere I go we seem to cling together in little groups for our dear lives...It's nice having friends...I have also made some new friends...and they are cool too. I should add them my friends list maybe I'll do that now!

Well tomorrow I start school and I'm really bored so I'm updating this page and playing around with it hopefully it looks prettier than it did before...well tell me what you think...

Ok well maybe I haven't given up on this site...I still love it...but no one ever comes by so why whould I care...oh well...I love you Jonathan! I moved out about a month ago and since I have time right now maybe I should work on fixing this place...oh well...

I have officially died...leave me the fuck alone...

It's been a long time since I've updated this page...I really need to work on it some more...b/c right now it sucks major ass...well yeah I guess I'll write more lata!
Well I'm in keyboarding right now, not much to do b/c I finished all the work that everyone is doing today, yesterday. But yeah, I'm such a little over-achiever...not really! Well yeah com sign my guest book and tell me stuffs...Yeah well buh bye...

Welcome to Tamara's Space, I haven't done too much yet, but I'm working on it. Maybe it will get better, if I get any better, but this is the first layout I've done on my own so I'm pretty proud of myself, well yeah, maybe when I do some more I'll put the codes for the ones I do up, I'll be like other people, ack...well yeah I'll keep working and you keep coming, not that anyone comes here anyway!

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