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Random Links you should visit!

Sorry Everybody-this is hilarious just go and check it out!
MELO!!!!-melo is's a can go visit my melo here
Zebra Cove-It's the Zebra Cove...Jonathan's forum...everyone should go and join!
Vampire Freaks-a random rating site with toher cool stuffs...go see my profile here
Muted Faith-a groovy site with fun pictures and webcomics and whatnot... awesome Rainbow Brite site!
Vampires!-game Jonathan got me into...if you're not already a vampire go here
T-Shirt Hell-this should be self explanatory!
Auburn University-the official Auburn too much interest there unless you're a student...
Minkle's Realm-where I got my background...but there's lotsa other cool stuff there too!
Dragon Court!-it's Dragon Court and Dragon Court is awesomeness...well yeah
Torm Guardians-Dragon Court clan!
TV Tome-really amusing site for if you get bored randomly...
Internet Junk-Random quizzes and other "internet junk for your entertainment
HEx Colo Codes-site with a bunch of colors and their hex codes it's pretty useful