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Lost with out you: Chapter 2 Warning, this story has Lemon, so be careful! Pan couldn’t sleep the first night, so she made her way slowly to Bra’s bedroom door. As she approached, she could hear Bra moaning. Knowing what was going on, she immediately backed away in disgust. ‘Oh my god!’ She thought as she put her hand over her mouth. She decided to go downstairs and have a midnight snack. As she walked into the kitchen, she could see Trunks out in the yard trough the window, punching and kicking the air. He was literally beating himself up. As Pan walked outside Trunks fell backwards and laid on his back. ‘God…’ Pan watched his chest rise and fall. He looked good. He was wearing a pair of tight black shorts and nothing else. ‘He looks so damn sexy when he trains.’ Suddenly, His head shot up as he heard her sighing. It seamed to be seconds before for anyone spoke. “Spar with me?” She asked pushing her hair behind her back. Trunks was fixated on her thighs. She was wearing a small white t-shirt and red booty shorts. His gaze flowed up past her stomach and breast and rested on her soft brown eyes. He nodded and stood up slowly. Pan raised her Ki enough so that she wouldn’t disturb any of the Z fighters. Trunks did the same, standing waiting for her to make the first move. ‘I wonder if she can still fight…’ Trunks pondered. ‘She so beauti…’ His thought was suddenly cut off when he felt a knee to the stomach. He gasped and cursed himself for loosing concentration. “Looks like your still the same Panny.” Trunks smirked punching her in the stomach sending her stumbling back. Trunks under estimated Pan, she had still been training over in the states. He knew she had, on a count of everyone could feel her Ki when she did. He knew that Pan could at least reach sayian 2. They sparred for about an hour or maybe two after that, until Trunks slipped. Pan looked at him and laughed slightly, “I won.” She stated triumphantly grinning down at him. She held out her hand and helped him up. She turned and walked into the house, but not before she said “G’night”. Trunks just stood there for a minute in a daze, then he shook it off and headed inside to his room. ******************************************************************************************** Pan felt herself being shaken the next time she woke up. Her eyes fluttered opened as she saw Bra standing before her. “What!” Pan whined irritated. Bra pulled the covers off of Pan, “Wake up! You’re missing the Barbeque at Roshi’s!!!” Pan shot up in bed, looking over at the clock. It was 1:36 in the afternoon. She scrambled out of bed and pushed Bra out. As she slammed the door she ran into the bathroom to take a shower. She didn’t spend a long time in the bathroom. She wanted to see her family and the Z fighters so bad. Bulma and Vegeta had stayed over at Roshi’s, on a count of, Vegeta decided he wouldn’t go home and then have to come back to the perv’s house, as he called him. So Bra, Trunks, Goten and her self were the only ones in the Capsule Corp. Pan put on her black string bikini and pulled on a pair of tight capries. She picked up her beach bag and stuffed a towel and a bottle of sun tan lotion into it. She slipped on her red flip-flops as she struggled to brush her hair at the same time. After she succeeded, she picked up her bag and ran down the stairs. She almost tripped on the last step, but caught herself. Marron looked up from talking to Uubu on the couch. “Hey Pan-Chan Girl!” She smiled, winking. As soon as Goten saw his niece, he crushed her into a bear hug. “Hey Kiddo!” He smiled patting her back. “Can’t breath…lungs, dieing…let go!” Pan gasped between breaths. Goten finally let go and rubbed the back of his head, giving her the regular Son smile, “Sorry!” She smiled back but soon was holding her shoulder. Uubu punched her playfully on the arm, “Welcome home Pan!” He said smiling. “What is it beat up on Pan day…Sheesh” Pan giggled looking over at Trunks, who was leaned up against a wall. “Alright! We need to get going people!” Bra reminded everyone, as she grabbed Goten’s arm and headed out the front door. “Pan…aren’t you missing something?” Marron stated pointing at her chest. “What?” Pan said looking down and the back up and Marron. “My shirt!” Pan turned and ran back up the steps and grabbed a white shirt. Eventually, they finally were on their way to Roshi’s island. Pan, Bra and Marron were talking, while the boys followed dully behind. Trunks watched Pan’s body, as it cut through the air. Her long black hair was flowing behind her and she was so into her conversation. ‘She’s probably not even thinking bout me…’ Trunks thought to him self. Goten and Uubu had realized just how hard Trunks was staring at Pan, and they burst out in hysterical laughter. Trunks glanced at both of them, and then shook his head, when he turned his head back Pan was watching him. But as quick as she had looked at him, she was back into her conversation with the girls. ‘That was close!’ Pan said to her self, nodding at Bra and Marron talking. Pan hadn’t really been listening to what they were talking about, but she gave enough attention to them, so she could answer any questions they had. She had really been thinking of sparing with Trunks last night. He looked so muscular, unkempt last night. She couldn’t even sleep that night. She had dreamed of him touching and caressing her. She blushed at the rest of the dream. Marron raised her eyebrow and looked blankly at Pan. “Son Chick…?” Bra asked pushing her, “ What’s up with you?” Pan Looked from Bra to Marron and then back at Bra. “Huh?” Pan asked, “Oh…Nuthin!” Soon, they finally reached Roshi’s island. Piccolo was leaning against a wall, with Vegeta a few feet away from him. Goku was stuffing his face with cheeseburgers, and Gohan was sitting on the porch, Videl was seated in his lap. Bulma and 18 were talking and Krillen, well, he was talking to Oolong and Pura. ChiChi turned her attention from Goku to the new arrivals. “Pan!!” She shouted running towards her. Pan met her in the middle and hugged her tightly, “Grandma! I missed you so!” Soon, everyone else noticed Pan, so they took turns hugging and kissing her. “Look at you!” Videl said pulling Pan out of a hug, “You’re not my baby anymore!” Gohan smiled and nodded. “Nope!” he confirmed. Finally, Pan walked over to the picnic table to get a burger. She looked oddly at her grandpa. “Having fun there?” She laughed putting her cheeseburger on a plate. He looked up and nodded, smiling with a mouth full of food. Pan laughed again and walked over to Marron and Bra. “Aw, Pan…” Bra rolled her eyes, “Must you eat, were about to go swimming with the guys!” Pan raised an eyebrow and inhaled the burger and threw the plate into the trash. “Ok! I’m ready now!” Pan smiled pulling her shirt and pants off. Bra and Marron did the same revealing their bikinis. They ran over to the sand and dove into the water. When they came up they looked around, “Uh…Where are they?” Pan asked. “They’re supose to be here, we only came to get you.” Marron said. Pan felt her self being tugged by the foot, and looked panicky from Marron and Bra. She shrieked and got pulled under, with the two girls fallowing her. Pan turned to see Trunks grinning at her. She cut her eyes at him and flew towards him, grabbing him and pushing him deeper into the water. As she swam up to the surface for air she flipped her hair behind her back. She began to dive back under when she felt a pair of strong hands on her waist. A muscular chest pressed against her back soon followed them. She looked down to see lavender hair stuck to her breast and shoulders. “I’m sorry…” Trunks sighed into her ear. Pan’s tensed muscles relaxed and she sighed. “ Trunks…” Pan stated hesitantly, “I really do love you, you don’t have to believe me, but the feelings are still there.” Trunks was silent for a minute before he went on, “ I love you too, Son Pan.” Pan tugged on a piece of his hair playfully. Suddenly their moment was ruined when Uubu and Bra pulled them under the water. Bra new they had made up, but this was the ocean, and they were going to have fun. After about an hour of swimming, they finally waded out of the water. The rest of the time they spent talking to the Z fighters, which got pretty boring within 30 minutes. So, at 10:00, they decided to head back to the Capsule Corp. As before, the girls engaged in a conversation, that the boys wanted nothing to do with, so they just followed behind them. This time, Pan was so into her thoughts that she almost missed any questions Bra and Marron had. Reluctantly, they arrived at the CC. Marron and Uubu decided to stay at the CC to have a little “slumber party” with the rest of the gang, like they did when they were younger. Since it was late, the girls decided to change into their pajamas. Pan walked upstairs into her room. She sighed and took off her beach cloths and dropped them onto the floor. She traded them for a pair of white short shorts and a black spaghetti strapped shirt. She slipped on a pair of white socks and headed back down to the living room. When she arrived, the other girls had already taken their places sitting with their boyfriends. Pan ignored the fact the Marron and Uubu were practically having sex on the floor. Instead she made her way to the couch Trunks was seated and sat next to him. He looked at her as she draped her legs over his lap. That’s how the rest of the night went. Except, Marron and Uubu had moved to a quieter, more secluded room in the house. (HeH…HeH!) At around 2 o’ clock in the morning, Pan made her way to her room. She was exhausted, she had been talking to Trunks about everything, and they were the only ones that didn’t leave the room… She walked into her bedroom and reached for the light switch, but a hand stopped her and pulled her closer with their other hand. She knew exactly who it was when they pressed their lips against hers. The kiss seamed to last forever and she could feel him searching her mouth, her heart, and her soul. Trunks slowly lead her over to the bed and laid her down. Pan was so caught up in the moment that she almost forgot the most important thing. She was still a virgin. “Trunks…” Pan moaned as he kissed down her collarbone. “Trunks wait!” Pan lightly pushed him off of her. Trunks looked down at her hurt, but Pan kissed him lightly, to reassure that she had wanted this as much as he did. “I’ve never done this before…” She said as she broke away from his softly lips. Trunks smiled and continued kissing her. “Don’t worry baby,” He said raising her shirt over her head, “ I promise to be gentle.” He continued down her neck and stopped to glance at her bare breast before taking one in his mouth. Pan let out a soft moan as she felt his wet tongue against her skin. He massaged the neglected one, as he sucked and nibbled playfully on her nipple. He repeated the process on the other nipple, sucking and nibbling enough to get her moaning. He continued down her stomach. As he passed her belly button, he circled around it and kept going at a steady pace. As he approached the rim of her shorts, he slide his hand into them and her panties a searched her with his fingers. Pan’s eyes widen and she gasped for air. She had never felt so good in all her life. Trunks slid her shorts and panties off, to reveal her opening. As he did, her scent filled the room and Trunks’ instinct almost took over, but he held back his urge until the right time. He looked up at Pan, who had her eyes closed. She was waiting for him to enter her, but instead he didn’t. He wanted to see how much she could take, so he kissed her inner thighs lightly. Pan gave out a cry,”Trunks.”she pleaded. She didn’t want to be tortured. She couldn’t’ take it anymore, so she bucked herself forward at him. Trunks smiled at the invitation, and took it with no oblige. She moaned as she felt his tongue enter her. Pan began reaching her climax, but Trunks stopped in time before she could get there. After she had calmed down a little bit, he’d start again. Trunks lifted his head and crawled back up to her face. Her kissed her passionately, letting her taste herself. As he did, he lifted his body off of hers and slipped his boxers off. Then he broke away from their kiss and slipped his shirt off. She looked up and opened her legs and granted him access. He slowly slid his manhood into her. He came to the only thing stopping him from making her his. He looked down at Pan, who already had her eyes closed. He thrust deep inside of her. Pan gripped his back and scratched fiercely. He continued slowly, until the pain left her, and she could feel nothing but pleasure. ******************************************************************************************** An hour later, they both collapsed beside one another, out of breathe. Pan pushed a piece of her hair the fell over Trunks face. "I love you so much…" she sighed and snuggled into his chest. "And I you…" He replied softly kissing her forehead. Then his eyes closed and they drifted to sleep in each others arms. ********************************************************************************************So…How'd you like it? E-mail me ur thoughts,! Thnx

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