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 Read A Story

1.       Go to the  Resource page and click on the link  titled          Elizabeth’sJourney on the Erie Canal.  Read this  story, take notes as you read of the most important information you learned about the Erie Canal.


Begin Your Research

1.         Research  the answers to the questions in your task by visiting the  website links  found in resources.

2.         Open a page in Microsoft word. 

3.         Title it:  Your Name s Research

4.         Copy and paste important information  from the websites onto  your Microsoft research  page as you find answers to  your questions.



Text Box: Fold your paper 
horizontally into 
3 pieces.

Creating  Your Brochure

1.         Fold a blank  piece  of paper into 3 equal  parts

horizontally. This will be the rough copy of your brochure.

1.         Decide on a cover. Then design a cover with a photo copied from a website.  (Right click on PHOTO,  copy, paste)

2.         Design how you want the inside to look. For example; is each question answered in a different paragraph? Will you use any other pictures or artwork?

3.         Make a rough copy of your brochure.

4.         Edit and revise the information.

5.         Have a friend carefully edit your work.

6.         Have the teacher approve your work for a final copy.

7.         Get a white sheet of construction paper. Fold it in 3 equal pieces horizontally. Neatly and carefully create your final brochure copy.

Return to TASK bar. Do task number 2 using another sheet of white paper.