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My eyes to the horizon, how far is that? No horizon here, just the backdrop of the trees...

If in the watercolor-on-silk skies the angels are dousing the flames of hatred, are swirling the sky crystallized blue with their swift movements, pushing love forward against the darkness... if there's a balance of good and evil, please can I be on the side of the angels? I want to push back the darkness for everyone, and release them from their prisons to view the ocean.

What I mean is... I believe there are forces of good in the world, and by good I mean love. And sometimes people lose sight of the love, the beauty, sometimes they don't think, they do things inadvertantly, accidentally, and they hurt the balance of goodness. They're only human. They can be confused as easily as anything else... And I want to be someone who helps those people, and who helps those who they've hurt. I want to make them feel loved again.