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     I see two types of confusion. I see that there's 
confusion in       combination with denial and by itself. By itself confusion
 is not such a 
terrible state, it should       be understood as a viable place to exist for a      while. 
I wish to be     confused about some things before I finally place myself to one side or the 
other. But confusion      with denial-- where you don't admit that you're confused--- that's 
destructive in every way. I suppose that's a lot more common. I've had      plenty of that one,
 too, especially when I was younger. 
But this other kind of confusion, this well-identified one, I find it kind of a paradox. If you know you're confused, that you at least have some truth in there. I suppose I've always felt that knowledge of one truth at any given moment is enough to keep you steady. I see confusion as being lost with absolutely no idea where you are. One truth is like one guiding signal-- the north star, a compass, a landmark-- if you have it, you're no longer completely lost. So if I know I'm confused... then am I confused anymore? (moths)