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                                                      I read my favorite book again this week.

                                                A Room with a View
                                                  E. M. Forster

                               wherein can be found details of my life and philosphies.
                          And which can bring me to life again through anything,
                      and i mean it. If ever I'm run over by a cement-mixer 
                   and you're staring at my lifeless body there, try 
             reading a few pages to me, from "In Santa Croce with
          no Baedeker" or "Fourth Chapter" and see if I'm not 

    "My dear," said the old man gently, "I think that
 you are repeating what you have heard older people
 say. You are pretending to be touchy; but you are not
 really. Stop being tiresome, and tell me instead what
 part of the church you want to see. To take you to it
 will be a real pleasure." (p. 26)

    "Then make my boy think like us. Make him realize
 that by the side of the everlasting Why there is a
 Yes-- a transitory Yes if you like, but a Yes." (p. 32)

    "It so happened that Lucy, who found daily life
 rather chaotic, entered a more soild world when she
 opened the piano." (p. 34)

    " 'Once, you know, I said that I liked my own
 playing better than any one's. She has never got over
 it. Of course, I didn't mean that I played well; I
 only meant--'
    'Of course,' said he, wondering why she bothered 
to explain." (p. 37)
Just one more.

    "I won't be stifled, not by the most glorious
 music, for people are more glorious..." (p 202)

                       ahh, this book, it reminds me of the vibrancy of life when 
I need to be reminded...