
In order for you to know about me, you must know about the Sailor Senshi. Otherwise, you won't understand any of this. And if you don't, too bad. You need to become more of a Sailor Moon fan. >:-J Or if you're a stalker, you can look up all this stuff. `:-T

Sailor Name: Sailor Kosmos (yes, with a K)

Element: water and earth

Earth Name: Ptilol

It Means: Big long history about the name Ptilol: I first got the Internet in seventh grade -- AOL. But I only had it for one month, because my phone bill was $400 because I went on AOL so much without a toll free number. So my dad got rid of AOL in a hurry. Then we got Earthlink, and I chose the name Ptilol. The reason for that was because "lol" (laugh out loud) is in the name. The second reason is because. . . . In the AOL chat room called Japan and Japanese, I always annoyed people, saying that Pharroh-90 was going to silence the world if there were 20 people in the chat room. If there were 19 people, I would say that Mistress-9 was going to attack. If there were 14-18 people inthe chat room, I would say that Silent Messiah was going to swallow Chibi-Usa-chan's pure na kokoru. If there were 8-13 people in the chatroom, I would say that Professor Tomoe was going to create a daimon. If there were 7 people in the chat room, I would say that Kaolinite was going to attack. If there were 6 people in the chat room I would say that the daimons were going to get the pure na kokoru. If there were 5 people in the chat room, I would say that Witches-5, Eudial, was going to shoot Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. If there were 4 people inthe chat rooms, I would say that Witches-4, Mimete, was going to kiss and kill a victim. If there were 3 people in the chat room, I would say that Witches-3, Tellu, was going to create a plant monster that would swallow them whole. If there were 2 people in the chat room, I would say that Witches-2, Viluy, was going to get the pure na kokoru. If there was 1 person in the chat room, I would say that Witches-1, Cyprine, was going to get the pure na kokoru. Cyprine's sister is Ptilol. I would be the last person in the chatroom, so I would be Cyprine. Since Ptilol has lol in her name though, I picked that as my new screen name!

Dubbed Name: none

Other Aliases: Well, I have over 400 aim screen names, so. . . .

How much Japanese known: One year's worth. I can read hiragana and katakana pretty well. I probably know a couple hundred words. I once memorized the kanji that my college class required of me, but I now forget most of them.

First Saw SM On: dubbed -- July 4th, 1997; Japanese version (raw) -- June 11th, 1998.

First Episode was: The one where Rini tries to go back to the future, and there's a thunder and lightning storm.

How much of SM seen/read: All of the first two series dubbed (Dic); first half of S(uper) series and the ending episodes with Mistress9 raw, first seven or so episodes of the Super S raw, and the first four episodes and ending episode of Stars; I've also seen all the movies, the Ami Special included. (I saw all of them raw, and the R and S dubbed, and SuperS stubtitled.) I haven't seen any dubbed stuff besides what Dic did, because my cable didn't have Cartoon Network at the time when it was on it. I've read all the manga, but I don't own all of them. Some of the ones I own are in Japanese (#1, #7, #8, #13, #14, #15.) I have all of them in English except for the three Stars ones.

SM Collection: I have tons of SM stuff. 893 cards/sticker-cards, including a few playing card decks. I have twelve posters on my closet wall, one wall scroll, the manga listed above, four German SM anime magazine comics, at least 20 cassettes of recorded SM episodes, a bunch of VHS tapes of raw episodes that go from the beginning of S series to somewhere in the middle of the Eudial episodes (I think it stops a couple episodes before the one where Minako gets her heart crystal taken), some keychains, a chibi Rei stuffed doll, two notebooks, two Halloween SM costumes (two because one got too small), a SM brooch necklace that plays music, a regular SM necklace, a bunch of SM note pad papers, 4 German postcards, a folder, a pencil box, a mechanical and regular pencil, a 3 foot cut-out-picture of Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury, a Sailor Jupiter brush, Pretty Cast Song Collection CD, Memorial Sound Box 6 CD Set, Dic SM CD, Luna Rock cassette tape, a mousepad with all the senshi on it, infinite drawings, a bunch of card holders, SM pinata that I made, Egyptian face mask of Galaxia that I made, pin, wall clock, beanie hat, mini notebook, three shirts, Mercury stamp, plastic pink chibi SM figurine, two towels, mini pillow case, blanket, night gown, three rocks that I painted SM stuff on. . . .

Birthday: seven days before Rei's

Zodiac Sign: Rei

Bloodtype: A- I think

Height: Makoto

Looks Like: Naru/Michiru/Heavy Metal Papillon

Acts Like: Usagi at home and Hotaru at school

Hobbies: go to my other site for that info

Strong Point: wisdom, uniqueness

Has Trouble With: socializing

Favorite Color: Hotaru

Favorite Gemstone: opal

Favorite Food: quesedillas, Taco Bell Tacos, fried prawns, BLT�s, ravioli, chowmein, duck, and squab (pigeon)

Least Favorite Food: lima beans, zucchini, and brussel sprouts

Favorite Subject: Grammar, Philosophy, Psychology, Creative Writing

Worst Subject: science and history

Dream: to be happy

Attacks: Sailor V kick! lol

Prefer Manga or Anime version of SM: both are equally good

Favorite SM series: S(uper)

Least Favorite SM series: Super S

Favorite SM Inner Senshi: Moon

Least Favorite SM Inner Senshi: Venus

Favorite SM Outer Senshi: Saturn

Least Favorite SM Outer Senshi: Neptune

Favorite Asterioid Sailor: Juno

Least Favorite Asterioid Sailor: Ceres

Favorite Star-Light: Healer

Least Favorite Star-Light: I don't know yet

Favorite SM Villian: Professor Tomoe

Least Favorite SM Villian: Zoisite

Favorite Dark Kingdom Villian: Nephrite

Least Favorite Dark Kingdom Villian: Zoisite

Favorite Black Moon Villian: Demando and Safiru

Least Favorite Black Moon Villian: Esmeraude

Favorite Death Busters Villian: Professor Tomoe

Least Favorite Death Busters Villian: Mimete

Favorite Witches 5 Villian: Eudial or Cyprine/Ptilol

Least Favorite Witches 5 Villian: Mimete

Favorite Dead Moon Circus Villian: Jun-Jun

Least Favorite Dead Moon Circus Villian: Cer(e)-Cer(e)

Favorite Ginga TV Villian: Heavy Metal Papillon

Least Favorite Ginga TV Villian: Chaos

Favorite Dic SM song: Carry On & The Power of Love

Least Favorite Dic SM song: I Want Someone To Love, I Wanna Hold Your Hand (the Beatles sang it better, although that's one of my least favorite Beatles' songs)

Favorite Japanese SM song: I think the Sailor Star song might be my favorite, but I'm not sure, because I like mostly every SM song I hear, except the ones below, which I can't stand.

Least Favorite Japanese SM song: Luna!, Search For Your Love

History: I don't know everyone in the world, but I think I can safely say that I'm the biggest SM fan. Most people like it for a short time (like a year or less) and then stop liking it and move on to less "sugary" anime shows. Sure, I like other anime shows, but I still like SM. I've seen over 100 anime shows, and SM is one of the best, in my opinion. It has 6/7 elements of everything a good anime show should have. Not many anime shows have that good of a rating. Fushigi Yuugi is the only one so far that has 7/7.

SM has impacted my life a lot. I first saw it on July 4th, 1997 at my friend's house. Her name was Ioana. I knew she liked SM; she had posters in her room. I never watched it though. We were playing a board game, but then 2:30pm came around, and she wanted to stop and watch SM. I didn't want to, but I agreed anyway. We watched it. When I saw it, something weird happened. My eyes watered, and they woudn't focus well or something. I put on my glasses, but my eyes continued to do that well into the show. The episode was the one where Rini tries to go back to the future, and there's a thunder and lightning storm. I didn't really know what was going on. Ioana tried to explain things, but it was so complicated, that most of it didn't sink in. I was trying to watch the episode and listen to her at the same time. The show intrigued me. I had never seen any cartoon like it before. It had romance and characterization . . . and an actual plot! I had to go home before I got to see who won the fight, but every day after that I tried to watch SM. With each episode, I got more and more into it. I got mad at Rubius, I cried when Mamoru got stabbed by Zoisite, I felt the determination in the fight with Queen Beryl. Even when the episodes repeated, I watched them. I never got bored of them. Even on my everday empty stomach, I would run home from school to watch it. Because of all the times I saw each episode, I memorized a lot of what happened and what people said. I began to talk, laugh, and act like Serena and imitate Rini's voice. On my school papers, I would write SM stuff all over it. I would find connections to SM everywhere. In history when we learned about King Zoser (sp?), I wrote Zoisite all over the page. Lol. I would call my teachers Queen Beryl and Miss Haruna. In seventh grade I annoyed all the teachers until they watched SM. I would tell them the time it came on and everything, telling them that twas an educational show. And if they refused, I would bring in tapes! One teacher even let me watch a SM tape in class!!

SM was the highlight of my life, especially when my life got dark. In seventh grade, I made friends with this evil witch named Madelena. (If I ever put my fanfic up, she is the same as Kazari.) At times she was my best friend, and at others she got me so angry, and made me cry. I got depressed for most of my seventh grade year because of her, along with school, family matters, and just my life in general. I started to hate people. I wanted the world to end. It seems stupid, but I would ask Sailor Moon for help. SM was the only happy thing in my life that kept me going, kept me alive. I probably would be dead if it weren't for SM. SM was always there to make me smile and laugh, and I'll never forget how much the show means to me. I'm very grateful to it.

Well my friend Ioana stopped liking SM the year after she introduced me to it. But I'm still going six years strong. No matter if Fushigi Yuugi or another anime becomes my #1 favorite, SM will always be one of my favorites. And that's a promise. ;_; .\/,,

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