Sailor Name: Sailor Neptune
Element: ocean
Earth Name: Kaiou Michiru
It Means: Complete ocean king
Dubbed Name: Michelle
Other Aliases: none
Age: 16-17
Birthday: March 6
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Bloodtype: O
Height: 5'4"-5'5"
Hobbies: collecting cosmetics
Strong Point: playing violins
Has Trouble With: sea cucumbers
Favorite Color: marine blue
Favorite Gemstone: aquamarine
Favorite Food: sashimi
Least Favorite Food: kikurage
Favorite Subject: music
Worst Subject: none
Dream: to be a violinist
History: Michiru first appeared in the S series with Haruka. She is an artistic, intelligent girl; she is practically good at everything -- swimming, school, painting, playing the violin, etc. She attends Maguen Gakuen with Haruka and Hotaru. Michiru is elegant, refined, and cultured. Because she is so good at everything, she is easily made jealous and doesn't like it when someone else is better than her at something. She is lesbian, and her partner/lover is Haruka. They usually fight together as Senshi. Sailor Neptune controls water, but her power is a lot stronger than Mercury's. Neptune is the intellect of the Outer Senshi. She is also as dedicated as her partner, Uranus. Like Uranus, her mission is not to guard the Moon Princess but to guard the Moon Kingdom. Neptune was the one who told Haruka that she was Sailor Uranus.

1.) Neptune Planet Power, Make Up

1.) Deep Submerge
2.) Submarine Reflection
Items: Aqua Mirror (one of the three talisman)
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