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Enchanted 7 Ranch









About Enchanted 7 Ranch

At Enchanted 7 Ranch, everything is growing! We are trying to make this the most favorite ranch that everyone of all ages can enjoy. Owner, Spencer A. bought this land after she completed collage, and then built her an inexpensive easy going ranch. With this she offered boarding, trails, and lessons. She even had some cows and a few show horses. Now she has more cows and is doing quite well in the horse business. She is active in horse shows and does English and Western showing.

"I started out with an hundred acres of land I found with a bargain having some of the best views I could only dream about. I then bought some arena fence and kept some of my horses in there for a while to eat down the grass. I then worked else where to earn more money by doing photography at horse shows and public ranches. I even sold some cows. I earned some money and cemented down an area around my arena and built an building and bought some stalls. Of course I had pastures too, and then got in the business of boarding horses and got me some kid safe horses too. I now am living my dream." -Spencer

Today Enchanted 7 Ranch offers lessons and a 34 stall horse boarding faculty. She plans to use her current house as a guest house and camp house in the near future after she has her own private house built. We have bought so many horses, its hard to believe we need more. I look for horses that are around mid-age and are kid safe. I haven't looked for any stallions, but possibly in the future I will. My goal is to have some of the best show mares in all equestrian events. I do have a small budget and am taking small steps at a time. Sooner or later I will have some of those expensive horses you always see in the horse magazines!